The Vaccine God

One of the exercises that I have on occasion indulged is that of trying to guess just which “plagues” will soon, or at least eventually, be visited on a world which has no shortage of modern false gods that the Real Creator of the universe might want to hold up to ridicule.

Would they include destroying the Almighty Fiat Dollar?  Almost certainly, since “dishonest weights and measures” are repeatedly Written to be an abomination to Him.   How about Monsanto?  The Great God that Feeds the World, albeit with Franken-food.  And there’s Licensed Marriage, now that what He calls abomination is “just as good” as what He ordained, but never required a license to do.  Maybe it’ll be the  Power Grid.   Hollywood?  There’s certainly no shortage of potential candidates.

And, of late, there can hardly be any doubt that the Great God Modern Medicine, and more specifically, the Vaccine Panacea, has got to be pretty high on that list.

For starters, any time you hear pompous politicians prattling about “settled science” who don’t know the difference between a “hypothesis” and a data point, it’s a good bet we’re talking about something a lot closer to another false religion than a Law of Creation.  (Come to think of it, “Man-made Global Warming”, by whatever name they’ll think of next, is almost certain to be one of the early plagues that might be visited upon humanity.   Prepare for colder winters, or maybe storms if you’re closer to the tropics…)

But it’s the incredible level of induced hysteria, and police-state pharmaceutical propaganda, that should more than raise eyebrows today.  If the Almighty Vaccines really DID work as promised, and protect the poke-ee with godlike certainty, then what difference does it make whether anyone else takes the shot or not?   And why would there need to be warnings (in the Fine Print) about side effects?  (Not that their acolytes read those, any more than far too many supposed ‘believers in God’ read His Book.)

And the brouhaha is about measles, for cryin’ out loud!   A once-nearly universal childhood ailment with a virtually zero mortality rate, given modern sanitation standards, that not only confers lifetime immunity once endured, but seems almost to have been designed by Yah to strengthen and develop the immune systems of His children, as post-vaccination cancer rates and other immunological data seems to suggest.    (Note that I don’t try to use the word “prove”, or claim that it is “settled science”!)

Yet there is a clear, concerted effort now to mandate, literally at gunpoint if necessary, universal vaccination for something that was largely a non-issue well BEFORE the vaccine even became available in the 1960s!  (The data, for those with “eyes to see,” is undeniable.  Childhood mortality from measles had declined by over 95% before the vaccine was in use.)

Just wait until there’s a real epidemic to “be afraid, be VERY afraid” of.   Even if, like ebola, it turns out to be a CDC-patented, bio-engineered weapon.

About half of all US states already have legislation proposed to limit or eliminate so-called philosophical or religious exemptions to various vaccine mandates.  What happened to the principle of “informed consent?”  And since when can supposedly “free” people be forced to be injected with ANYTHING against their will?  Perhaps most importantly, just which “god” will prevail here, and can the people called by the Name of YHVH worship Him, or not?

It is important to realize – NOW – that those who enter into agreement with those gods will be held to their vows.  “You are his servant whom you submit yourself to obey,” said Shaul/Paul in Romans  6:16.

Elijah put it this way:  “If YHVH be God, then serve Him.  But if baal be god, serve him.”  We can’t serve both.  And when mandatory injections — containing, ultimately, “God Alone Knows WHAT” — become mandated by the Almighty State, THAT particular plague will become obvious.

About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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