Parsha “B’shalach” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “B’shalach” (Exodus 13:17 – 17:16) begins with what might be the most famous miracle in the Bible, the “parting of the Red Sea” [more likely the ‘Sea of Reeds’] and the related destruction of Pharaoh, and all his army and chariots.

The very first verse of the parsha, as Mark Call notes in the reading, should perhaps “leap off the page” today as a warning: YHVH took the ‘mixed multitude’ via the Long Way Home to the Promised Land, rather than the shorter coastal route, “lest the people regret,” when they see war, and decide to return right back into bondage.

Could that ring true today?

The Erev Shabbat Reading:

The question has been asked. But there is something fundamental about human nature that is outlined here. Rather than being grateful for having been freed “by a Mighty Hand,” from bondage, and happy to be en route to a Promised Land, why instead do people whine, and want to go back into slavery?

In that context it is interesting that there is so much emphasis in this story on “testing” by YHVH. They see thirst in the wilderness. And have cause for concern when He gives them ‘bread from heaven’ – before it gets a name. The Sabbath is introduced. (Or – is it RE-introduced?) But Yah has good reason to ask, “How long will you refuse to keep My commandments and My Instruction?”

B’shalach: Grateful? Or Whining? The Testing Is Yet to Come

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Parsha “Bo” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Bo” (Exodus 10:1 – 13:16) describes the last three of the ‘Ten Plagues of Egypt.” And, in the process, lays out the understanding of the most important, the ‘death of the firstborn,’ and the first of His Appointed Times, Pesach; aka “the Passover.”

In the Erev Shabbat reading, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship, outlines the reason why these might better be thought of as the final two of the third set of three plagues, followed by the one which in fact is in a category by itself:

The Sabbath Day midrash might be considered part two in a sequence, and begins with an examination of thise patters – multiple patterns in fact – that make up those “three sets of three” setup plagues, and, in particular, what they might show us about a future set of events that he again suggests will unfold at some time in the future.

Certainly they were not only all judgments against various fake Egyptian ‘gods,’ but other patterns within the plagues, such as who and what they affected, and how, may give us a great picture of what the judgments against ‘modern gods’ might well look like. And what we should be prayerfully prepared for.

Also, Mark contends, the Bible story includes that set of ‘open brackets,’ or one half of a set of bookends, which we will eventually see closed by the prophesied second, or “Greater Exodus.”

And there are certainly “candidates” for those in play today. So, sometimes a bit of speculation is useful.

Bo: Patterns – the Next Set of Plagues”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vaera” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The second Torah portion reading from the Book of Exodus this week is in some respects THE beginning of the Exodus itself, in that it describes the first set(s) of the ‘Ten Plagues of Egypt.” ‘Vaera’ (Exodus 6:4 through chapter 9), beings, however, with an explanation of His Name, YHVH. “And I appeared,” (‘vaera’) He says, to Abraham, and to Yitzak, and to Yakov, “as El Shaddai, but by My Name YHVH I did not,” at not in the way that He is about to, “make Myself known to them.

And that is the essence of what He is about to do!

The Erev Shabbat reading, as usual, covers the story itself, but also starts to lay out the incredible significance of just what that means:

The Sabbath Day midrash takes a deeper look at a number of key elements that are laid out in this parsha, from the emphasis on His Name YHVH, and that He would then SHOW what that means, so that all of us would know, to the patterns and projections associated with the plagues themselves.

They were not only all judgments against various fake Egyptian ‘gods,’ but also, Mark contends, a set of ‘open brackets,’ or one half of a set of bookends, which we will eventually see closed by the prophesied second, or “Greater Exodus.”

And there are certainly “candidates” for those in play today. Including that plan to develop what could well be a god of silicon, rather than “stone.”

Vaera: What’s it Gonna TAKE?”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Shemot” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The first Torah portion reading from the Book of Exodus this week is ‘Shemot’ (Exodus 1:1-6:2), which is of course the Hebrew name of the Book as well. And it begins the story of Moses (Moshe) and the Exodus from Egypt, and bondage, but actually begins even a bit earlier, and about two centuries after the story of Joseph in Genesis comes to an end.

The Erev Shabbat reading not only introduces us to Moses, but actually covers about two-thirds of the span of his life in just a few chapters. Perhaps it’s encouraging to consider that the most important part of his life’s work didn’t even begin until about his ninth decade:

How did a people who were literally the “Sons of Israel,” and direct descendants of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, manage to descend from direct promises and blessings from the Creator Himself, to “cruel bondage” in just over two centuries?

And for that matter, how do a people who understood “self-evident Truths” about that same Creator manage to descend to what may be even greater tyranny and bondage to an entirely different ‘god’ in almost that same times span?

There is more here than you might think. Especially when you consider where we are on that timeline.

Shemot: What HAPPENED to the ‘Sons of Israel’? And how did they manage to go from such blessing to “cruel bondage?”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayechi” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The annual-cycle Torah reading week, parsha Vayechi (Genesis/Bereshiet chapter 47:28-End) not only concludes the story of the life and times of Yakov or Jacob, but of Yosef (Joseph) as well, and the Book of Genesis.

The Erev Shabbat reading:

Among other things, including Yakov’s blessings for his sons, and thus the tribes of Israel, this parsha includes the ‘adoption’ of Yosef’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh (or is it Manasseh and Ephraim???) into the “twelve” bribes of Israel. Where Yakov “crosses his hands,” during that blessing.

He asks a question, too. Which seems almost out of place. And yet, it’s also almost as easy for us to just gloss over it, and ignore the potential implications. But is should resonate with us now:

Vayechi: Whose are these? And Who’s are WE?

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayigash” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The reading from the Torah this week, parsha Vayigash (Genesis/Bereshiet chapter 44:17-47:27) picks up at the last, dramatic, “cliff-hangar,” in the third reading dealing with the life and times of Yosef (Joseph).

And it begins with one of the most dramatic transformations in the Bible, in what Mark Call refers to as “Judah ‘Mans Up.’ And this is demonstrably the first time in history where one human being forgives another.

The Erev Shabbat reading of the finale of the story:

There are again a number of major themes in the study of Joseph, and Judah in particular as well this week, and certainly of a different nature than what we saw previously.

And it starts with a transformation. Judah, the brother who suggested that Joseph be sold into slavery, and then returned lied to his father about what happened, ends up facing almost EXACTLY the same situation, over two decades later, with Joseph’s youngest brother. What he does THIS time marks him as worthy of being the father of THE line of kings.

Joseph recognizes what he has become.

Vayigash: Judah ‘Mans Up’ and Joseph Forgives – Two Sides of the Same Coin

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Miketz” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week’s reading from the Torah, parsha Mikets (Genesis/Bereshiet chapter 40 through 44:17) is the second reading dealing with the life and times of Yosef (Joseph) and which might be referred to as the “Time In-between.” It begins with “after two whole years,” following his interpretation of the dreams of Pharaoh’s chief baker and butler, when he was NOT ‘remembered,’ but forgotten. Until Pharaoh’s dreams.

The Erev Shabbat reading — “AFTER two whole years” — begins with those dreams, and Joseph’s sudden elevation from prisoner to Number 2 man in all of Egypt:

There are again a number of major themes in the study of Joseph this week, certainly adding to what he teaches us about dreams, to a number of issues surrounding ‘authority,’ and especially in contrast to today.

Pharaoh, a pagan king, recognized a trustworthy man in whom was the “Ruach Elohim,” when Joseph stood before him. And he acted on that understanding, decisively. In the related haftorah reading (I Kings 3), Solomon asked for wisdom, and was given it. Shortly thereafter, “all Israel…saw that the wisdom of Elohim was in him to administer justice.”

What a contrast THAT is with what we have seen!

Still, though, we are in that time “in-between”.

Miketz: It’s a ‘cliff-hanger’ until we know how He plans it to play out’

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayashev” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week’s reading from the Torah, parsha Vayazhev (Genesis/Bereshiet chapters 37 through 40) shifts the story of the line of the patriarchs to Yosef/Joseph, the first-born son of Rachel.

The Bible tells us there was favoritism, and that is just part of the reason his brothers resented him.

The Erev Shabbat reading covers that beginning, and his sale into slavery in Egypt, the house of Potiphar, and then prison. There is far more, too:

There are a number of major themes in the study of Joseph this week, from what he teaches us about dreams, to that issue of favoritism and jealousy, and the results, to a larger question about ‘adversity’, and how it figures in our lives, and His plan.

But in the middle of all that is one of the most notable “chiasms,” (Mark prefers the Hebrew term ‘atbash’ – for “alef-tav, beit-shin” because the first and last, and second and second-to-last name is so descriptive of the Biblical equivalent of an HTML tag)) in the Bible: about Judah and Tamar.

That theme, of what happens “in-between” resonates.

Because we, today, are there too:

Vayashev: The Time ‘In-Between’

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayishlach” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week’s parsha, Vayishlach (Genesis/Bereshiet 32:4 thru chapter 36) continues the story of Yakov/Jacob at the time where he has left the house of Laban, and begins the return to his hom, as commanded.

And, importantly, that story begins with his encounter with his long-estranged brother Esau, who, as he last recalled, intended to kill him.

The Erev Shabbat reading:

The Sabbath Day midrash includes a look at the prophet Obadiah, and asks a question. Or is it clear?

Because the animosity has persisted through the millennia.

Vayishlach: Esau is Edom…is…AmeriKa???” Means!

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayetze” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week’s parsha, Vayetze (Genesis/Bereshiet 25:19-32:3) follows the story of Yakov/Jacob after he leaves home and heads to the place of his mother Rivka/Rebeccah’s family.

And like so many things concerning the Patriarchs, it is not only maximally Politically NOT-Correct, but practically a litmus test for how far so much of the sun-god-day church has departed from the lessons of Scripture.

The Erev Shabbat reading:

There is a whole lot that much of ‘xtianity’ really doesn’t like about this one. And for the same reasons, some of the context may even seem confusing to ‘modern sensitivities.’

Why, for example, is the man who lied to his father to “usurp” his elder brother Esau’s blessing, and birthright, also held up as an icon of “emet,” the Hebrew word for ‘truth’? And why would the Creator of the Universe and Author of Scripture choose to use a man with four wives to bring forth His people?

Is it possible that there’s something in this story that ‘the Church’ would prefer to overlook, or outright hide?

This story is not merely NOT-PC. It’s a glaring example of what so pervades the world that so hates His Word today:

Vayetze: Real vs Fake” Means!

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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