Time to Sigh and Cry against Abominations

Try this for a bit of fun. Name a “conspiracy theory.” Other than “who shot JFK,” and the ever-popular Magic Carburetor that gets 500 MPG, but the Big Auto Manufacturers keep deep sixed, odds are that the top of the list includes the Cure For Cancer that Big Pharma will kill to cover up.

This month, however, a very few of us who don’t rely on “Waste-Stream Media” for “news” learned that the Truth is perhaps far, FAR, worse:

(OK, well – maybe we KNEW, but now there’s a literal smoking gun!)

Mass murder on a global scale is not only part of the “Global Population Control Agenda,” but it’s Official Policy. Not admitted, of course, but the gloves are off, and so is the mask. And the prophet Jeremiah was right (17:9) – the human heart truly IS, not only deceitful, but “desperately wicked”.

A rash of dead doctors in Florida seems to be related to a secret that is worth killing for. Autism researcher Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet was found shot in the chest and floating in the river just days after his clinic was raided by the US government in order to confiscate a protein called “GcMAF”, which was showing not incredible promise as an anti-cancer agent, but had been shown by his work to reverse autism in the vast majority of patients receiving the treatment.

As Natural News points out, the motive for covering up a universal cure for cancer is obvious: money.

But the other connections in this set of stories is far more ominous, because GcMAF (aka Gc Macrophage Activating Factor) is produced naturally by the immune system in a healthy human body, and is instrumental in processes such as the absorption and processing of vitamin D3, and fighting off all kinds of disease and infection, including cancers. But Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues, many also mysteriously recently departed, had become interested in another protein, know as Nagalase, which he described as an enzyme ‘produced by cancer cells and viruses.’ It also happens to inhibit the production of GcMAF in the body, and has been described as a precision bomb aimed at destruction of this component of the immune system. It also seems that the now-dead doctors were on-track to proving that Nagalase was being introduced into the body at time of vaccination.

Is it possible that a regime of mandatory vaccination, which violates concepts like “informed consent,” and what was once called medical ethics, has a far more sinister and deadly goal? At least for now, a few deaths may have silenced the critics.

But what this author finds even more amazing is the confluence of radical ‘coincidences’ in just the last few weeks. The Waste-Stream Media and its sycophants in Washington and Hollywood had a literal fit over the poaching of a lion by a rich dentist halfway around the world. Is there anyone who didn’t hear that story? And yet those same people are strangely quiet about the killings of literally hundreds of innocent family dogs by police, often without so much as suspicion, or at the wrong house. And, even more disturbingly, the same media which railed at the poaching of an innocent lion largely ignored the late-term, or perhaps even post-BIRTH, harvesting and sale of human organs from equally innocent babies by Planned Parenthood.

People who are OUTRAGED by a lion poaching halfway around the world are demanding the head of a dentist, while ignoring many more innocent deaths of both animals AND humans for far more nefarious reasons, far closer to home. And they are totally ignorant of the potential for planned genocide, and the implications for their health and families!

It is difficult to argue that those who openly advocate population reduction to the tune of billions of people, and who subsidize what must be admitted to be the Sacrament of Abortion (name another “litmus test” required for those Nine Black-Robed Priests of another god who would deign to “make law” contrary to the Written Word of YHVH) would balk at other forms of killing…much less a few dead doctors or journalists who might threaten the party.

It is in this context that I suggest those with ‘eyes to see’ re-read the prophecy of the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 8 and 9, concerning the “angel with the inkhorn” and those sent with him.

Do you see,” the prophet was asked, “the great abominations” that they commit here, to “make Me go far away from My sanctuary?

He was shown example after example of the ‘wicked abominations‘ they were doing…ALL OF WHICH ought to sound more than a bit familiar! From a litany of things which come right from the pagan celebrations surrounding “Easter” – from ‘lent’ to ‘sunrise services’ and fertility rites – to having “filled the land with violence”, they have “provoked Me to anger.”

The iniquity (“torah-less-ness, if you prefer) of both the house of Israel and the house of Judah was “exceedingly great”, and the “land is full of bloodshed,” and “perversity.”

The solution was to send an angel/messenger with a “writer’s inkhorn” to “put a mark on the foreheads” of those who “sigh and cry over all the abominations” that were being done. And then to “utterly slay old, young, maidens, and even little children” who did NOT have the Mark of YHVH!

There is in fact a message here. And whether, or if, or WHEN, He decides to take action against what must now be honestly called the “Greater Babylon Metro Area” remains to be seen. But the complete perversity of a world which denies Him and His Word utterly can no longer be denied.

I will suggest that the time for those of us who do NOT want to be counted among those who remain silent in the face of Evil is now. There has never been a better time to learn to “sigh and cry” at the abominations which are no longer even being hidden in plain sight before our eyes.

And there is in fact one more lesson from the warning given to the prophet Ezekiel and to us that must not be overlooked.

Where was “Ground Zero” for the judgment of Yah?

Begin at My sanctuary,” He said.

* Stories in the ‘alternative media’ abound, including:


About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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