Parsha “Debarim”– teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a study of the first parsha in the last Book of the Torah, “Devarim”, aka Deuteronomy, and — at least once — the most-quoted reference when it comes to “Law” in the united States.

The parsa, and thus the Book, begins with a recap by Moses of a forty year journey through ‘the wilderness’ that could have been made in only 11 days, but wasn’t…and he reminds the ‘second generation’ of the sons of Israel in that mixed multitude why.

The Erev Shabbat overview of the portion (Deuteronomy 1:1 through 3:22)

SSM “Debarim” 2019


Alternative Link via Hebrew Nation Radio:

Mark begins the Sabbath Day “deeper examination” of the parsha and a number of very-much-related Scriptures with a bit of characteristic “nerdiness” to set the stage: since both Scripture and history, and not to mention His physical universe and human nature, end up being cycles of repeating cycles, it’s important to ask not only where THIS story is, in context, but where WE are in a repeating cycle that at least ‘rhymes’.

Moses was addressing a group of people soon to enter, and hopefully conquer, the [promised] Land. Much later, as the haftorah reading from Isaiah 1 makes clear, they were ‘kicked out’, or sent into an exile that still persists. So, “where are we?” in that continuing cycle of fallen men repeating the same mistakes, but sometimes even more catastrophically?

“Debarim: THIS part of the repeating cycle, and What SHOULD the Righteous Do…Now?”


Alternative Link via Hebrew Nation Radio:

The combined audio file is here,

About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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