Parsha “Emor” (Lev. ch 21-24) teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at Torah parsha is “Emor,” (Leviticus chapters 21 through 24) and, THIS week, what it means for the ‘cohenim’ or priesthood, to “be holy” — no, “set apart”, or qadosh — because He is. And it is, indeed, a higher standard.

The Erev Shabbat reading and outline of the parsha includes the specifics, from what they are to seek for wives to what NOT to do. And this portion includes a well-known description of HIS ‘appointed times’ (i.e., the REAL Holy Days) – and again makes clear that they are ‘forever’:

During the Sabbath day teaching this week, Mark asks a different question from the usual. Since His genuine priests are to be ‘set apart’ to Him, what does that say about a world where literally every aspect of His Word on that score is held in derision by most OF the world?

Doesn’t it seem ever more clear that there really IS a ‘priesthood’ of death that is not just set apart from any and everything associated with the Creator of the Universe, but that handles the Adversary’s very different — but obvious now! — sacraments?

And we had better be set apart from that. Especially if we understand what the Messiah has for us.

“Emor: Holy or Explicitly UN-holy Priesthoods – a Study in Contrasts”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Kedoshim” (Lev. ch 19-20) teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at Torah parsha is “Kedoshim,” (Leviticus chapters 19 through 20) and what it means that we should “be holy” — no, “set apart”, or qadosh — because He is.

And, conversely, why it means when a whole society has become “unholy”. Or, arguably, just set apart to a very different, far more Evil, ‘master’.

The Erev Shabbat reading and outline of the parsha includes the specifics, including some of the most famous (and, as the Messiah points out, at least SECOND most important) in Scripture:

The Sabbath day teaching begins exactly where the Torah portion ends, and current events show to be imperative: Be ‘set apart’ from WHAT?

And why would He AGAIN connect all of that with child sacrifice, and this time around, not only prohibited sexual practices, but outline penaties for them – including death?

And how can we – at the same time even? – rebuke our neighbor, “love” our neighbor, and not “stand idly by” his blood? There is certainly more to this parsha than we’ve been taught.

But most importantly, ‘for such a time as this,’ Mark suggests, is the Truth that is being revealed to those with eyes to see: The Evil that has been unleashed has also be Unmasked.

And we had better be set apart from it.

“Kedoshim: a World of Literally Satanic Evil – and What to be Set Apart FROM”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Acharei Mot” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week the regular annual Torah parsha is “Acharei Mot,” from Leviticus chapters 16 through 18, and it begins “after the death” of Aaron’s two sons.

So MUCH of it is, in fact, literally about life and death.

The Erev Shabbat reading and outline of the parsha describes the three major, but very much related, components, from the procedure followed by the High Priest, Kohen Gadol, at the time of Yom Kippur, and including the “two goats,” to the vital understanding the “the life is in the blood,” to what MIGHT seem ‘out-of-place,’ but ultimately isn’t – the commandments concerning prohibited sexual relationships and practices:

The Sabbath day teaching connects the theme of “after the death…” and the process associated with “atonement” to the truth that “life is in the blood.”

And why would He connect all of that with child sacrifice, and even prohibited sexual practices?

Perhaps the answer comes from the news, every single day.

Still, He says, “I take no pleasure in the death of the unrighteous”. (Ezekiel 18:32 AND 33:11)

“Acharei Mot: Questions of Life and Death”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Pesach/Passover teaching (final day) from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week marks the final Sabbath and ultimately 7th day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, as well as the beginning of the ‘counting of the Omer’ and the fifty days leading to Shavout (aka ‘pentecost’).

In Luke’s account of the ‘Last Supper’ and Yahushua’s final Passover meal, the admonition to “do this remembering Me,” features prominently. Mark suggests that applies to more than just the breaking of the matzah and the sharing of the wine. And during the Erev Shabbat reading and teaching, and perhaps even more during THIS season than ever, that includes taking a detailed look at His very first recorded “public address”, in the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ (Matthew chapters 5 through 7).

During the Sabbath day teaching, given the confluence of “Holy Days” and pagan substitutes, it’s again important to take a closer look at what Scripture really says, as opposed to what men say He should have said. And it all helps to answer the questions about “why” that matter so much today.

“Why is there no POWER in ‘the Church’?”
“Why is it that faith doesn’t actually seem to ‘move mountains’?”
and “Why does so much that is so wrong just plain get ignored by those who should care most?”

What’s wrong with our ‘faith’?

“Passover Midrash: Unbelief – ANTI-Belief – and Power”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Pesach/Passover teaching (first day) from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week the regular Torah parsha takes a calendar break, given that, even with allowances for some differences in the counting, the first of the Spring Feasts of Yahuah are at hand.

So the first of the readings, and the focus of the Erev Shabbat teaching, is from Exodus chapter 12, which describes the instruction concerning the first ‘passing over,’ in the land of Mitzraim, or Egypt.

During the Sabbath day teaching, given the confluence of “Holy Days” and pagan substitutes, it’s time to take a closer look at what Scripture really says, and what is most important. But Mark suggests it’s also appropriate to ask, given the emotion, the tradition, and the depths of the LIES, “OK – just what parts are TRUE?”

And one of those things it that we’re told – no less than three separate times even before the admonition that this is to be “a night of watching” – is that His instruction about His Passover is to keep it as a “statute, forever.”

Scripture repeatedly describes two whoring houses, both still in exile, and it SHOULD be clear during this season – and ESPECIALLY at this “cusp” point in history – that there are two sets of errors, as well as parallels and warnings.

There’s also a lot of consternation right now about ‘snake venom.’ But how does that make taking the Zyklon B injection, or allowing any venom to be injected into our children, any worse? Just maybe, however, the admittedly confusing story about Moses and the brazen image of a serpent on a pole might start to make more sense.

In John chapter 3, Yahushua says that,”as Moses lifted up the nacash in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up.” When we look upon Him, are we seeing the REAL “Torah Made Flesh,” or what Paul described as “another jesus, whom we have NOT preached?” And isn’t it ironic that a “medical” industry which has forgotten any promise to “first do no harm,” now ignores the death and injury that their hypodermic fangs are doing? All the while, ignoring the implications of a paganized “snake on a stick” symbol that now seems more apropos than ever?

“Passover Midrash: Look upon Him – AND the ‘fake snake on a stake’ – and SEE!”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via the Hebrew Nation Radio page.

Posted in 501c(3) "Church", Appointed Times of YHVH, Come out of her...., Idolatry, Sabbath, torah, Yahushua HaMashiach | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Pesach/Passover teaching (first day) from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Metzorah” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week’s Torah portion, Metzorah,(Leviticus chapters 14 through 15) is essentially part 2 (of 2) in that sequence on “leprosy” that most who would prefer to ignore it can’t even get the name right.

And this week, referencing Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective Sherlock Holmes, the key is in “the dog that did not bark.”

The actual “plague” described in Scripture as ‘tzaraat‘ literally hasn’t been seen for centuries, but it’s not like Yahuah did warn us – more than once – that He would “hide His face,” given the level of rebellion that has now gotten so bad that even Disney has given up trying to hide it.

Still, it has been suggested that this plague — which never REALLY was “leprosy”, or Hansen’s Disease, to begin with — was once associated with the Hebrew words “lashon hora,” for the “Evil Tongue.” And there’s actually a pretty good case to be made on that score.

But there’s an equally valid case to be made that the lesson of the “dog that did not bark,” is telling us something even more vital — in a time where we should heed that warning.

First, the Erev Shabbat survey of the entire parsha:

During the Sabbath day teaching, Mark asks a different question, for “such a time as this”:

IF tzaraat WAS a punishment, or ‘plague’, given by Yah to chasten His people for lashon hora – the ‘Evil Tongue’ – then Why, OH, WHY, doesn’t He today punish far more unbelievably Evil “Lies that KILL?”

Is the Whole Fetid WORLD so far gone and unclean that no one even merits chastening now? Has He ‘changed His mind” and decided to tolerate Evil Speech that is intended to kill literally billions? Or could it be that – as promised – He has “hidden His face?”

Mark suggests in this midrash that the Creator seemed to use tzaraat to chasten, to teach, and even to restore ‘right relationship.’

As the lessons of Scripture are ignored, it is educational – even shocking – to observe that we have moved SO far toward “calling Evil ‘good'” (and vice-versa) and so far beyond merely the ‘evil tongue’ to tongues that kill – en masse.

“Metzorah: Has He ‘hidden His face” EVEN from Lies That KILL?”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Tazria” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week’s Torah portion, Tazria,(Lev. chapters 12 through 13) might be called the “poster parsha’ for the “it’s all done-away-with-anyway” crowd. The actual “plague” described in Scripture literally hasn’t been seen for centuries, the people charged with identifying and ‘pronouncing’ it to be what it is aren’t doing that anymore, and since pretty much the Whole World is so unclean that they wouldn’t recognize real filth when it takes over, why, who cares anyway?

Still, it has been suggested that this plague — which never REALLY was “leprosy”, or Hansen’s Disease, to begin with — was once associated with the Hebrew words “lashon hora,” for the “Evil Tongue.” And there’s actually a pretty good case to be made on that score.

But, still, and important question remains: If this malady is so easy to ignore, and expunge from our understanding – then why, oh, why, does the Bible waste SOOO much ink on it?

First, he Erev Shabbat reading of the parsha (which also includes a bit of other “not PC” stuff as well!):

During the Sabbath day teaching, Mark approaches the ‘why’ question, and adds a twist as well.

Not only does the Bible provide a LOT of detail about a ‘nega‘, or plague, that many would just as soon pretend doesn’t matter, we’re reading it during what might be one of the greatest times of, well, we could call it “tribulation.” in all of human history. We’ve got nuclear war on the table, the demise of the fiat dollar and what by almost any measure is the biggest debt collapse and economic meltdown ever, widespread food hyperinflation and even famine a virtual certainty, and Evil child abusers from Disney to ‘supreme court’ injustices openly pushing perversion.

And who needs a kohen (a real priest) to declare a person “unclean” when we have Twitter and TwoFaceBook that will not only do it, but silence the offender as well?

Just not for the same reasons.

So, if the Whole Steenkin’ World is just plain “Beyond Unclean” – what’s the point of sending someone who might be ‘malignantly uncean’ OUT of the camp, anyway? Yes – there’s a message here.

“Tazria: We Don’t DESERVE ‘tzaraat’ – we have TwoFaceBook, Twitter, CNN, and DISNEY!”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Sh’mini” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha Sh’mini(Lev. chapters 9 through 11) is certainly what might be called “eventful.” It begins “on the eighth [sh’mini] day, when Aaron officially “steps into” his role as Kohen Gadol (High Priest) and then follows up with the tragedy – or fatal mistake – of his two eldest sons, Nadab and Abihu. Finally, there’s a discussion that might even seem ‘out-of-place’. But that, explains Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa during the Sabbath Day midrash, is only if we do NOT understand the larger context!

First, he Erev Shabbat reading of the story, and the description of what simply, IS food, and what is NOT (whether the Whore Church likes it or not):

Mark suggests during the Sabbath Day teaching that every aspect of this parsha – from consuming fire to ‘strange fire’ to the THINGS that are and can be consumed are all VERY much related. But why would Yahuah DESTROY Nadab and Abihu, but seemingly ignore transgressions of this world that seem to make Sodom and Gomorrah look innocent by comparison?

There certainly is a pattern here, and connects every element of the whole story.

This is a teaching you will either find disturbing, or want to share. Or both.

“Sh’mini: Fire Food – and Things Consumed”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via the Hebrew Nation Radio page.

Posted in 501c(3) "Church", Come out of her...., Food - and NOT 'food', Idolatry, Mishkan, prophecy, torah, Yahushua HaMashiach | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Parsha “Sh’mini” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Vayikra” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Vaykira (Lev. chapters 1 through 5) is the first parsha in the Book of Leviticus, and certainly one of those that is either ignored completely, or inspires controversy.

Many people have been taught, “there’s no more temple, no more sacrifices, and since ‘jesus died on the cross,’ it doesn’t even matter. Besides, it’s boring anyway, so why bother?”

Like so many of the Biggest Lies that actually AREN’T really even in the Book, these have no only caused confusion, but if we just look around, are at the heart of so much of the Destruction we see playing out today.

And there’s a lot of the ’80/20 Rule’ at play there, too.

First, the Erev Shabbat reading and overview:

The Sabbath Day teaching addresses much of that deception, the associated controversy, and the reasons why, head-on. Most importantly there’s a BIG lesson in there that is playing out before our eyes right now!

“Vayikra: BOOOORRRING? Or is it Earth-Shattering?”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Pekudei” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at the FINAL parsha, Pekudei, (Exodus 38:21 on) in the Book of Exodus.

It begins with an accounting of the work on the mishkan, or tabernacle in the wilderness, and ends with SO many references to what seems to matter so much — “as Yahuah commanded Moshe,” so he did.

And then the very presence of Yah was a constant, visible presence before all the house of Israel, for all their journeys.

First, the Erev Shabbat overview:

We should certainly not be surprised. But in what may be not only the most tumultuous time in our lives, but in American history, Scripture has much to tell us. Even if – as Mark contends this week – this parsha deals with a time “on the opposite half-cycle” from what we face:
they had just been delivered from bondage, had a leader of the stature of a Moses, and the visible presence of the One True Elohim to guide them. In so many ways, a world so richly deserving of His judgment seems to face something more like the opposite.

But that is PRECISELY the time when lessons like He teaches here are most vital.

“Pekudei: Fear, False Flags, Building – and RE-Building”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radion.

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