Parsha “Yitro” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part study of parsha Yitro (Exodus/Shemot chapters 18 through 20). Among other things, this one famously includes the ‘marriage covenant at Sinai,’ and thus the first ‘download’ of the ‘Ten Debarim,’ sayings, words, or…commandments.

But it begins with the story of Moshe’s father-in-law, Yitro, (or ‘Jethro,’ in the usual English rendering) who turns out to have some pretty good advice to impart.

The Erev Shabbat overview lays out the story:

Early in this story, Yitro tells his son-in-law that he is literally overburdening himself — now we’d say heading to “burnout,” and this is “lo tov,” NOT good. Interesting, though, this phrase is only used one other place in the Torah, Genesis 2:18, where it is ‘lo tov’ that Adam should be alone. And here is Moses surrounded by people, yet managing to ACT like he has to do it all alone!

Somehow, there’s a very important message in there for us as well.

“Yitro: What is ‘Lo Tov’ today?”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Tazria-Metzora” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week the regular reading is a “double parsha,” including both Tazria, and then Metzorah. (Vayikra/Lev. chapters 12 through 15).

But they go together very well, because both largely have to do with a “plague” that is very much NOT to be confused with, or translated as, “leprosy.” But that begs several questions (very much things Mark will address!) —
including, first, “well, then, what IS this thing, “tzaraat?”

And second, if we don’t really know what it is anymore anyway, because we haven’t seen ‘cases’ (much less infections) for centuries, “Why does it even matter?”

Ah, and THAT turns out to be a VERY Big Deal!

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa for an examination of why it is still vital that we understand the difference between the “holy and the profane,” and the “clean and the unclean.” Yeah, that may sound familiar, and now more than ever, but somehow an ancient affliction that we haven’t seen in a long time may beat the heck out of it’s literal “opposite,” a Booga Booga Scary ‘flu’ (aka, “Covid-1984”) that we may not actually SEE much of either, but ‘cases’ are another thing entirely. And so is Big Brother’s Totalitarian, even arguably “satanic”, over-response.

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of this week’s reading:

The Sabbath day teaching goes beyond that anti-parallels between what can be thought of as the ‘chastening’ or correction aspect of a plague where people are ‘unclean,’ and told to warn others, while exiled “outside the camp,” and a clearly man-made bioweapon where those who are muzzled and in many cases simply not allowed to speak (much less “tweet”) at all are NOT symptomatic. Yes, it’s a different kind of ‘priest’ who makes the proclamation now, albeit with far less actual “scientific,” clinical data (hence the detail in this portion!), and the cleansing ritual described in Leviticus is arguably far less permanent, or potentially deadly, then The Poke.

But there’s FAR more to consider!

“Tazria-Metzora: Tzaraat, ANTI-Tzaraat, the Evil Tongue, and Praise”

The combined two-part teaching is here:

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Parsha “Shmini” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

A whole lot of important things “came to pass on the EIGHTH [‘shmini’] day…” (Vakikra/Lev. chapters 9 through 11).

This is the parsha which details the deaths of Nadav and Abihu, the two oldest sons of Aaron, and then describes, leaving no doubt, what is “food,” and what is “NOT food.”

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa for an examination of why it is still vital that we understand the difference between the “holy and the profane,” and the “clean and the unclean.”

It’s getting hard to argue that AmeriKa-with-a-K isn’t more than deserving of Judgment.

Warning: Even for those who know and understand that Mark does NOT “pull his punches” when it comes to the Truth of Scripture (and neither did Elijah, nor Ezekiel, and certainly not the Messiah!) this is a “tough teaching.” Judgment is like that. But the ‘signs of the times’ can no longer be denied.

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of this weeks reading:

The “dots get connected” during the Sabbath day teaching, where the importance of what the ‘priests’ or cohenim, were supposed to teach, but failed. But look at what Ezekiel chapter 22 tells us!

Like it or not, it’s time to be ready for what is now at hand.

By every measure, what we now know is coming to pass exceeds what Evil was able to accomplish in the Third Reich.

“Shmini: The Holy, the Profane, and the Fourth Reich””

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Tzav” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

” And spoke Yahuah to Moshe, saying CCOMMAND [Tzav] Aaron and his sons, this parsha (Vakikra/Lev. chapters 6 through 8) begins, after which follow more commandments that have to do with things most of xtianity has been taught to ignore. A lot like they feasts that He says to “Keep forever,” and “throughout your generations,” even in “all your dwelling places.”

All of which somehow seems particularly apropos for a week of His Feast of Unleavened Bread, that most will likewise ignore. At their peril.

And this week, Mark reviews – again – why that is not only true, but perhaps even never more so.

NOTE: Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship will also host their live seder on Sunday (Yom Reshone) evening, March 28th, via their Paltalk room ( for information), which is called “Walking Torah with Shabbat Shalom Mesa.” The room will be opened at about 6 PM, MDT (Colorado time) and the seder should begin at approximately 6:30 PM MDT.

The Ever Shabbat overview of this weeks reading:

The Sabbath study begins where the Torah parsha leaves off, with the associated haftorah from Jeremiah chapter 7, and some parallels between the ancient exile and the judgment now unfolding in “AmeriKa-with-a-K,” but clearly WITHOUT Yah.

“Tzav: Judgment, Then and Now…and THIS Pesach”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayikra” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

“And CALLED [Vayikra] Yahuah al Moshe, or to Moses,” this parsha begins, as does the Book by that name, aka “Leviticus” in most English versions. (Vakikra/Lev. chapters 1 through 5). And what He then said has turned out to be a major source of division.

Because this Book starts off with one of the most twisted, and thus problematic, elements of what much of xtianity claims (along, indeed, with most of the “Olde” Testament) has been “done away with”, most of us have heard things like:

Why should we care about, much less ‘study’, any of this?

The Erev Shabbat telling of the whole story begins to answer that question, by observing (as Yahushua later made very clear) that ‘what we have been TOLD it said” is not necessarily what was actually Written.

The deeper Sabbath day examination begins with a look at why so many of the arguments abaout how the “law of Moses is done away with,” “nailed to the cross,” or otherwise immaterial in the whore church ‘dispensation’ are one of the biggest lies in human history (along with “you can be like God,” and “you will not die.”) Not only did Yahushua dispel that whopper in His very first public address (Matthew 5:17-19, in the ‘Sermon on the Mount’) but the more specific claims about “sacrificial law” too often ignore a distinction that cannot be missed in the instruction “as Written”: there is a difference between korbon, or offerings, and tzebach, aka ‘sacrifices.’ More important stil, the text is careful, especially in this parsha, to talk about procedures that deal explicity with “UN-intentional” transgressions, sin in ignorance, inadvertant wrongdoing. The Hebrew term introduced here is “shaggagah.”

There’s also an interesting twist in the Scripture when it comes to the question of WHEN, not “if” a nasi, or leader, sins. (And, as you might expect, quite a bit of contrast with the situation a lawless world lacking any such leadership, too.)

Was it EVER possible that the “blood of bulls and goats,” actually “took away sins?” And why does the same author that made that observation say immediatly thereafter that, “if we sin WILLFULLY after having come to a knoweledge of the Truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sin?”

All of which leads straight to the ‘CONTRADICTIONS’ in chapter 10 of the letter to the Hebrews, that are NOT, if we just read what is Written in His Torah first.

“Vayikra: What About Ignorance, Sinful ‘leaders,’ and Lazy Shaggagah”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayakhel-Pekudei” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week we wrap up the teachings for the Book of Shemot or Exodus with a double portion, parsha Vayakhel, and then Pekudei (Exodus chapters 35 through the End of the Book.)

“And assembled [vayakhel] Moses,” the portion begins, all of the congregation of the sons of Israel. And, AGAIN, he tells them about the importance of keeping the Sabbath of YHVH. And that, too, is followed up by more detail that sound like things we’ve heard before. Why?

The Erev Shabbat telling of the whole story at least BEGINS to answer that question. Part of the answer, as we see in the details, is the repetition, and words which make the point, over and over again even, that it has to do with willing hearts, skillful work, done in accord with His instruction, for a purpose that also leads to Him:

The parallels between the Genesis story, and the terminology used in Genesis 2, with the building of the Tabernacle or Mishkan, have been a subject of study for centuries. YHVH builds a place for us, in His universe, and describes that. Later, within the camp, a people who have fallen short but seek to ‘return to Him,’ build a place for His presence in their midst. An “inside-out” version of a mini-universe, if you will, described in ways that are too identical to be coicidental.

But it’s not the degree of detail alone that outline the importance of those who are described, again and again, as wise-hearted, willing-hearted, and able to follow His directions IN that effort, being able to build together.

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship as he does a bit of ‘compare and contrast,’ too, with warnings that Yahushua gave us in places like John 10:10. The Enemy has now made undeniable what we have seen for some time: that he comes but “to kill and to destroy”.

“Vayakhel-Pekudei: Do NOT confuse ‘Build together’ as Yah commands with ‘build back better’!”

The combined two-part teaching is here:

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Parsha “Ki Tisa” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Ki Tisa” (Exodus 30:11-34:35) centers on one of the most important “turning points,” and failures, in all of Scripture: the idolatry at Mount Sinai, aka, ‘the golden calf.’

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship as he expores why.

The Erev Shabbat overview begins with a look at some of the news that sets up a history that more than rhymes this time:

The Sabbath Day teaching is time to ask what is perhaps the central question related to this parsha: Just what IS the ‘golden calf’? Or, in the original Hebrew, the ‘egel masekah’? One thing seems certain…it’s generally taught as something that THOSE people, whoever that might be, once did, that WE would never consider doing NOW. Yeah, sure.

Still, it’s not sufficient just to “spiritualize” the incident and say, “well, it must have to do with idolatry in general.” There’s something spcific about the language used, and the connections to the ‘rest of the story’ (some of which can only be seen by looking at the original language!) that help to explain just how vitally important it is to understand what SO angered Yahuah. Because that is what is no less important today.

“Ki Tisa and What the Heck IS the ‘golden calf’ REALLY?”

The combined two-part teaching is here:

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Parsha “Tetzaveh” and Book of Esther teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week is a bit different than normal, and not just because the word ‘normal’ no longer applies in this world. The “semi-Biblical” holiday of Purim, associated with the story in the Book of Esther is more than even just a striking parallel to current events. Which is to say it IS in Scripture, is not one of the commanded moedim of YHVH, but obviouisly still has a lot to teach us – especially “in such a time as this!”

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship as he expores why.

And what the heck is “Mordecai Derangement Syndrome,” anyway?

Parsha “Tetzaveh” (Exodus/Shemot 27:20-30:10) continues the series of detailed sets of instruction surrounding the Mishkan, or Tabernacle, in the wilderness, this time in the form of the priestly garments, and their ordination and duties. The key element seems to be that they are “for splendor and for beauty.”

The Erev Shabbat overview begins with a look at some of the news that sets up a history that more than rhymes this time:

Aaron and his sons not only wore garments of office for splendor and for beauty, but were charged with teaching their people the difference between the clean and the unclean, the “holy and profane.” We are still in exile, and most of this world still doesn’t know, or now even CARE, about that difference.

But the story of Esther tells us something more. We were supposed to “remember Amalek,” not emulate them.

The Sabbath Day teaching is about connecting dots, from priests that don’t teach as commanded, and thus don’t merit “splendor and beauty,” to why we’re STILL at war with Amalek, and what Esther taught us to do about it, and understand.

Tetzaveh and the Continuing Lesson of Purim: Remember Amalek”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via the Hebrew Nation page.

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Parsha “Terumah” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Terumah” (Exodus/Shemot 25:1 – 27:19) is the first of a series of detailed sets of instruction that have to do with the BUILDING of the Mishkan, or Tabernacle, in the wilderness.

The Erev Shabbat overview begins with the admonition to Moses to speak to the B’nai Israel, and tell them to take ‘an offering’, and then provides the detail about what they are to do thereafter:

The Sabbath Day teaching explores the theme of this, and indeed subsequent paraschot, in more detail:
What is there about BUILDING something together, in service to Yahuah, that is so special? And, given the dramatic contrast, what can we learn from the converse that we see today?

“Terumah: Compare and Constrast the Cycles and the Masters — Building vs Destroying”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Mishpatim” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Mishpatim” (Exodus/Shemot chapters 21 through 24) is one of the most ordinance, or “judgment-packed” in the Torah. It’s also very NOT ‘politically-correct,’ and thus most often ignored. And all the more so because it’s a vital reminder of all of the elements of “slavery” that are more relevant than ever, as once-free peoples return to the bondage Scripture warned us about.

The Erev Shabbat overview takes a look at all of the mishpatim, how they relate, and the final part of that story:

There is so much “meat” in this portion that a ‘deeper look’ into the themes could go in many different ways. But THIS year, Mark suggests that, in “such a time as this,” we start the way He does – in context – and that means slavery, then and now.

Especially when that path leads directly to the mask, the poke, and the mark of the beast.

“Miahpatim: What IS ‘Slavery’?”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via the page from Hebrew Nation Radio.

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