Each and every week, the news simply seems to become more bizarre. Scandal follows scandal among the so-called “leaders” in governments around the world, and increasingly their immorality is exceeded only by their perfidy. While the words of the prophet Yermeyahu (Jeremiah 17:9) have always been true, they are becoming so blatant as to have evidently replaced the oath of office for most politicians:
“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?
But that level of evil is predictable (and indeed, HAS been predicted throughout Scripture). What is happening as governments around the world seek to consolidate power and control, and move so directly toward implementing the technology, infrastructure, and regulations to impose the “Mark of the Beast”, should not surprise those with “eyes to see” at all. No, it is OTHER things in the news of late that might be harder to swallow — literally.
It’s not enough that over 90% of all corn, soybeans, and canola grown in the USA is genetically modified. But now the USDA has admitted that genetically-modified Franken-WHEAT has been discovered infecting farms in Oregon, having evidently been spread from open field-testing by Monsanto as far back as 1998 to 2005. The self-replicating pollution has already spread, and may already have infected wheat in the 15 other states where such “testing” was permitted. Other nations are rightly concerned: Japan has already cancelled wheat deliveries.
Other foods, too, have been contaminated. While the danger of neurotoxic additives like Aspartame (aka NutraSweet, the ingredient in so-called “diet” soft drinks, among many things) is well-documented, and the identified health hazards associated with many other “pre-packaged foods” seem to grow almost daily, it’s BEES which have been an even bigger concern lately. “Colony Collapse Disorder” now kills over 30% of farm bee hive stocks every year, and recent reports from Russia even warn that US failure to address the “bee apocalypse” could “most certainly” lead to world war. And again, it is neuro-active insecticides and genetically-modifed crops which take center stage among likely culprits.
Indeed, the adulteration of what is almost laughably now called “food” has become so great, and the manipulation of public opinion and “law” so blatant, that it is hard NOT to accept the premise that some people in positions of power and control are so bent on “population control” that they are willing to poison vast multitudes in order to achieve that goal. A review of medical literature showing grotesquely tumor-ridden lab rats, diseased internal organs in farm animals, and symptoms in the GMO-consuming public should be enough to convince Bible-literate observers that the “plagues” warned about in Revelation 18:4 are on the horizon. (Nor, of course, should Torah-observant believers ignore the plague of the coming currency meltdown associated with the plague of dishonest weights and measures!)
And it should even be clear that all of the seven things YHVH says He hates are fixtures in governments around the world today:
These six [things] the LORD hates, Yes, seven [are] an abomination to Him:
A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness [who] speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19
But it is the utter irony of the current world situation which should not be overlooked. YHVH not only keeps His promises, fulfills His plan, and exacts His justice — but clearly has a sense of humor as well.
Consider the story of the Exodus again. Even after seeing His miracles, and being delivered from bondage by His mighty hand, the people of Israel managed to continue to whine and complain. Rather than accept His Word, and walk in faith into the Promised Land flowing with “milk and honey”, they repeatedly sought to return to Egypt and slavery.
And what do we see today? The princes of THIS world — who increasingly will not allow YHVH, the Creator of the Universe, into THEIR schools, or courts, or seats of power — promise their own “blessings” for those who accept their authority, and ignore His Law. They literally, on so many fronts, call evil, “good”, and good, “evil”.
Home gardening, and small farms, are being outlawed, or priced out of business, by government bureaucracies. Private people who trade with one another for raw milk and dairy products have been raided at gunpoint, arrested, and their products and properties siezed. And now that bees are evidently being destroyed by manufactured toxins, it can even be said that honey, too, is at risk. The circle is complete.
Rather than being led by God in TO a land flowing with milk and honey, the modern slaves of Caesar are being led BACK into bondage in a land where milk and honey have been replaced by man-made poisons!
The choice has never been so clear:
“Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.
For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.”
— Revelation 18:4-5
And the reasons for obedience to Him, and the consequences of rebellion, have never been so undeniable.