The Coming Plagues are here

For those with “eyes to see,” the season is unmistakeable:
“And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”   (Rev. 18:4)

And the plagues — figurative and literal — are already visible, too.  Although the blatant manipulation of the “crooked casino” paper markets for precious metals continues,  more and more evidence from physical markets suggest that the day of reckoning is near, as does the dubious claim that the Federal Reserve has begun to “taper” its money-printing to infinity.  The yield on 10 year US Treasury notes has again peeked through the critical 3.0% mark.  How much longer can the “Almighty Dollar” remain the world reserve currency?  And will this fiat currency too expire with a whimper, or a bang?

In Texas, concern over the recent “swine flu” outbreak has reached a crescendo.  A number of people have already died as a result of what the medical community is calling everything from a “mystery illness” to an H1N1 ‘variant’ (because the initial “rapid test” results for the influenza seem to have a poor reliability rate).  Four states in the south have reached the “10-out-of-ten” level for infections, and now a number of cases are being reported from Chicago to Massachusetts.

Whether or not either of these situations rises to the level of a Biblical “plague”, the warnings from Scripture are consistent.  Although it is evidently very unpopular nowadays to point out what should be obvious, for reasons that are becoming as undeniable as their effects, YHVH promises that “it shall come to pass that if you…observe and DO” what He commands, blessings will “come upon you, and overtake you.”  Conversely, if we will not hearken to Him, and observe and do as He commands, there are curses which will just as surely “overtake you.”  While there are any number of His commandments which are routinely ignored, or deliberately violated, by much of the world at large, these two seem to stand out.

Why?  Because both have to do directly with replacement gods.  Because “In god we trust,” seems to mean the Federal Reserve instead of any “invisible hand.”  Because “modern medicine” has replaced “YHVH Rapha” (‘the LORD our Healer’).  (Gee — Who needs prayer when Obamacare offers so many miracles?   Like — if you like your insurance plan, or your doctor — you can keep them.  People who believed THAT are now realizing that Big Brother really IS watching, and listening, too — and that there IS no “economic recovery,” or job growth, and as for inflation — just wait a bit.)

No wonder so many people in ‘the church’ today seem to have become disillusioned.  Some, having lost jobs and houses, and having been lied to about a recovery that never came, and a rapture that hasn’t either, are beginning to question their faith in a government routinely that ignores its own “supreme law,” and in a licensed faith-based corporate church that excuses such lapses because, after all, ‘the law’ was done away with anyway.

It is only the Creator and Author of Scripture Himself, YHVH Elohim, who does not lie.  “Let Yah be true, and every man a liar.”  But re-read the story of the Exodus.  He allowed Pharaoh, who once asked Moses the fatal question, “Who is this YHVH?  I know him not,” to wallow in the stubbornness of his own heart — for a while.  But eventually, in His own time, YHVH showed him, and all of us, Who He Is, what He did, and — a vital understanding today — that what He has said He will do – HE WILL DO.

The ‘world’ would like to tell us that “all paths lead to god,” which is a lie from the pit of you-know-where.  Instead, Proverbs reminds us twice that, ”  “There is a way that seems right to a man,” but the end thereof is death.  The path truly is “narrow,” because most of the gods of this world are false, and seek to lead us into the ditches on either side of that narrow way.  Likewise, there are a legion of ways people are being deceived.  Perhaps the most obvious is to reject Him entirely, as seems to be the most popular delusion.  But the prominent choice among too many self-proclaimed “believers,” however, was explained by Yahushua in both Luke 6 and Mark 7:  “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.”
So, “why do you call Me ‘Lord, lord,’ and not DO the things I say?”

In other words, it’s evidently pretty easy to pay mere “lip service” to “believing in God” or “believing in Jesus” and then pretending that He changed His mind, did away with His own “law,” and no longer expects that, “if you love Me, keep My commandments.”  (John 14:15)

We’ve all heard the excuses, and we’ll be hearing new variations as well, because ultimately there’s “nuthin’ new under the sun.”   If the illusory “pre-trib rapture” didn’t come, say many, “well, it’s too late to plan NOW.”  Such fear and fatalism definitely does NOT come from the Elohim of the Bible!  “After all, I guess there’s nothing I can do anyway.”

Not without repentance, certainly; ‘tshuvah’, turning AWAY from the way that once seemed right, but leads to death.  Because it is rebellion to YHVH.

And the biggest irony is that the most important first steps don’t require millions of dollars in supplies and planning, nor a concrete bunker on an isolated Pacific island.  They just require “coming out of her,” and NOT doing simple things He said not to do anyway.

Back to those two easy-to-spot coming plagues.

How many times did He promise that — IF you will obey My statutes, judgments, and commandments — that He would NOT visit the diseases upon His people that He brought upon Egypt?  But that, otherwise, diseases would only be the beginning the plagues to come  (Lev. 26, Deut. 28-29, and prophets galore).  Arguably it is no coincidence that it is yet another “swine flu” that is sweeping across the land.  Thousands of years ago, our Creator (who Wrote what might even be thought of as the “Owners’ Manual” for the bodies He gave us) told us what is food, and what is NOT (Lev. 11, Deut. 14).  Things like pigs and shellfish seem to be the “death eaters” and “garbage scavengers” of the land and sea, respectively.  So guess where the heavy metal and similar poisons show up first among sea creatures?   And why is it that science recently “discovered” that the DNA of porcine animals is such a close match to humans that the major pandemics in history always seem to originate there?

We are “fearfully and wonderfully” made, with an incredible immune system, which DOES protect us from diseases, particularly if we treat it the way He told us to.  It has always been true that if we will walk in His ways, and eat what He says is food, that we will be healthier.  But it has arguably never been more IMPORTANT.

But the Bible seems to spend even more “ink” on instructions about economics than it does about food.  If we are to love our neighbor, and honor our contracts, honest weights and measures are essential.  Honest “money,” in other words.  So it is no coincidence that the Biblical Hebrew word “qesef” is synonymous with both “silver” AND “money” — just as the word for silver in so many other languages can mean money as well (ie, “plata” in Espanol, etc) while the US Constitution says that ONLY gold and silver qualify in that regard.

Once we understand that the dollar, and indeed every other paper currency on the planet as well, will ultimately be “worth-less,” can we continue to use it to buy and sell without consequences?  If Cyprus-like “bail-ins” are already being openly planned almost world-wide, and bank failures, currency controls, and outright confiscation of accounts are among the plagues in the pipeline, doesn’t a return to the true money of the Bible make sense?

And what better time to “come out of” a collapsing, dishonest banking scheme than when both silver and gold, in the real, hold-in-your-hand form, are at artificially-low prices we may never see again ?  It’s almost as if YHVH is using the manipulators to give His people one more chance to avoid the trap.

We have been warned.  Repeatedly.  And the plagues are not only coming, they are here.  But the answer has been here all along, too.  And YHVH has never changed His instruction for us.

The seasons DO change, however.  And there is a time to “come out of her,” quit partaking of the sins, and avoid those plagues.  It’s not enough to ‘believe in Him.’  If we believe Him, we will RETURN to Him, and obey.

About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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