Join Mark Call for two related, but different looks at this week’s Torah portion, Nitzavim/Vayelech from Deuteronomy 29:9 through chapter 31.
The first recording is the regular Erev Shabbat teaching, from the Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship, and is an overview of the entire parsha:
SSM Nitzavim 2014
If you have ever heard the Incredible Lie that “NOBODY except Jesus Christ could POSSIBLY keep the LAW!” — listen to this one, and then search it out for yourself to see whether He is true, and what men are liars.
The longer teaching from Shabbat concentrates on some specifics of the parsha, which Mark considers to be one of the most “eye-opening” in all of Scripture to those who seek to know WHY we are to keep His Torah, and to debunk some of the most unconscionable lies that we have been told in “sunday school.” It boils down to “choose life!”
TT CooH Nitzavim 2014 – Choose Life!