Join Mark Call for two teachings on this week’s Torah portion, “Vayechi.” (Genesis 47:28 to the end).
During the Erev Shabbat teaching, (Friday evening) Mark again covers the entire parsha — from the blessings over all the tribes of Israel through the eeaths of Jacob and then Joseph.
Shabbat Shalom Mesa – Parsha ‘Vayechi’ 2015
The longer teaching from Shabbat takes off from the framework of the parsha into “uncharted territory”, perhaps even a bit more than usual!
Yes – there’s a lot going on as the world enters a new secular year. And perhaps the world’s focus on “unity” — even in light of prophecies that (like Ezekiel’s ‘two sticks’) point in that direction — is NOT the right answer for us today.
Don’t miss this one: