Much has been said and written of late about the most recent, and blatantly unconstitutional edict from the “supreme court”. Most, however, have missed the point. Some wring their hands in frustration about the “redefinition” of “traditional marriage”, and wonder what it means.
But what really happened June 26th in “Obergefell v Hodges” was that the black-robed priests of another god taught the Caesar-licensed 501c3 Faith-based State ‘church’ just EXACTLY which ‘god’ they serve. And it is absolutely NOT YHVH, the God of Creation and Author of Scripture. He, clearly, has not been welcome in their State schools, courts, oval-oid offices, or halls, for decades now.
More importantly, though, by overlooking the key Scriptural and legal issues, virtually every so-called “conservative” talk-show host, pundit, and preacher has offered the wrong course of action (a political response to a spiritual problem) and even “aided and abetted” the deception!
The answer has been in Scripture (via multiple witnesses) for millenia, and has NEVER been more important:
“Come out of her, My people, that you do NOT PARTICIPATE in her sins, nor partake of her [increasingly obvious] plagues.” (Rev. 18:4, which has been the primary focus of my radio shows and Scripture teachings for over a decade now.)
Almost NO ONE in the Waste-Stream Media, or the licensed church, has READ THE KEY PARAGRAPH or even properly EMPHASIZED the key WORD from it!!!!!
…from the very first page of the Syllabus of the Imperial Edit from SCOTUS:
“Held: The Fourteenth Amendment requires a State to license a marriage between two people of the same sex and to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-State.”
It is ALL about the licenses, and Who we serve. Check out the Black’s, Bouvier’s, or any similar Law Dictionary definition:
a license is “permission, form a competent authority, to do that which, absent said permission, is illegal.” Can there be a better explanation of why a “license” from some other master is required to do that which YHVH Himself forbids?
Significantly, NOWHERE in Scripture does a man of God EVER ask permission from any governmental authority – or Pharoah, Pope, Preacher or President – to marry. (Any permission comes only from the three “Fathers” involved; of the bride, the groom, and YHVH Himself.)
Yahushua warns us that we “cannot serve two masters.” If we claim that marriage is “ordained by God,” then what business (literally) do we have asking permission of “another master” to do that which YHVH already sanctions? Yes, Caesar offers ‘benefits’ to those who belong to him, but they come with strings attached!
Shaul (“Paul” – in Romans 6:16) summarizes the related problem that dates back at least to Joshua 24:15!
“Do you NOT KNOW that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey…”
…whether for good or for evil?
Yahushua the Savior, when asked about taxation, tells the parable of Caesar’s denarius. “Whose image…is on this coin…? Thus, render unto Caesar that which is his, and unto YHVH that which is His.” The real message is too often overlooked:
Whose are WE? Of Whom do we ask permission?
Whose license do we take? (And for a real shock, read the first 15 verses of Exodus chapter 21!)
The Court, and its nine “black-robed priests of another god”, just TOLD Amerika what Yah has been saying all along, but we haven’t listened!
ANY individual can and must “come out of her,” and do what the Founders did: Withdraw consent. Don’t take the license, don’t take the mark. Does it make sense that those who can be suckered into taking Caesar’s licenses already will suddenly one day wake up and refuse a ‘Mark’ of a Beast system that is only becoming more invasive, coercive, and pernicious?
Can you imagine if one million, or ten million, people wrote “VOID” across their marriage licenses, and mailed notarized copies of them to the USSC, the White House, their governors, and their state courts? And said, “void for fraud! We now KNOW we should never have gotten this permit from a false god to begin with, and will no longer submit to that ‘choice of law’.”
There has never in our lifetimes been a clearer message from the REAL God, and the fake one, about Who we must serve!
239 years ago this month, the American Founders unanimously agreed and declared that Rights come from God, and that the singular purpose of government was to “secure these Rights.” The supreme court has now declared in no uncertain times that the God of the Bible is not welcome in their court, their schools, or their ‘law’, …
One of the indictments leveled against the king they rightfully called “a Tyrant, unfit to be the ruler of a free people,” was that he “combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws.” It is no small irony that such is exactly what SCOTUS did via this latest edict. Yes, it was an act of “pretended legislation,” too.
There are plenty of things to criticize about a ‘supreme court’ that ignores God-given Rights enumerated plainly in Genuine Print, while pulling new ones from…someplace else. But no one who reads for comprehension can fail to admit that at least this time those servants of ‘another master’ haven’t made their position clear. Anyone who ignores THIS teaching is “without excuse.”