“Tzav” – teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa, by Mark Call

Parsha “Tzav,” (Leviticus chapters 6 through 8) begins with Moshe being told to COMMAND (‘tzav’) Aaron and his sons by YHVH, again concerning “korbon” or offerings, as the previous parsha, but this time with their part of the instruction.

In the first recording, for Erev Shabbat, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa discusses those differences, and again the concept of “korbon,” as well as the process for their anointing and sanctification as priests (‘cohenim’) of YHVH.

Tzav 2016


The Sabbath day teaching again starts there and continues to some of the deeper, and even more unsettling questions – particularly on a weekend where paganism proves Yahushua’s repeated point (from Mark chapter 7, et al) that “by your traditions” you have made the “commandments of Yah of NO EFFECT.”  (Regular readers and listeners will already understand why “3 days and 3 nights” could NOT possibly be correctly counted from any “friday” (good, or otherwise) and how the ‘high holy day’ associated with the Feast of Unleavened Bread fits during the week of Pesach/Passover.)

“The Ishtar sun-god-day story, and the Irony of UNintentional Sin”


About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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