Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa for a study of the parsha “Beha’alotcha” (Numbers chapter 8 through 12).
This week’s parsha marks another clear “turning point” in Scripture. Like the story from the Garden of Eden in Genesis chapter 3, or the story of the ‘golden calf’ at Mount Sinai, it’s a time of leaving, and people being people – again.
The Erev Shabbat total overview again covers the “whole story” – from lighting of the lamps on the menorah laying hands on the Levites, through the story of Aaron, and Miriam’s tzaraas to why Moses just isn’t like other prophets.
But it’s the issue of prophecy – then and now – and the ‘turning points’ that we face — again, then and now — that go ‘front and center’ during the Sabbath day teaching:
Tests of character – or – what constitutes a ‘prophet of YHVH’?