Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa for a study of the parsha “Ekev” (Deuteronomy 7:12 – 11:25).
- Note: These are available every Shabbat during the on-line services at 6:30 PM Mountain Time, and the Sabbath Day teaching broadcast live via links in both Paltalk and Shoutcheap.
The Erev Shabbat overview teaching this week is one that just seems to literally “set Mark off”! To compare what “Justice, justice YOU SHALL PURSUE,” means with what has happened INSTEAD today should infuriate anyone with “eyes to see.”
The Sabbath Day teaching starts at the same place, and goes literally everywhere ELSE. If the US has the “best just-us system” in a world heading directly to hell-on-earth, what does THAT say?
How can those who literally “hate Him,” and reject His Word from courts, congress, skools, and Ovaloid-shaped offices, claim even remotely to be ‘righteous judges’?
Most importantly, though, is the message from the haftorah (Isaiah 51-52). WAKE UP!!! “Listen to Me, you who KNOW righteousness, people in whose heart is My Torah!”
” Shoftim – and the Best LEGAL System fake money can buy in a satanic world”