This week, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa examines this week’s double Torah portion, <em>Tazria</em> and then <em>Metzora</em>, Leviticus chapters 12 through 15.
Have you ever noticed that the more we are told something in Scripture is boring, obsolete, irrelevant, and – especially – “done away with,” the more likely that it has to do with the very difference between life and death?
This week the Erev Shabbat overview concentrates primarily on introduction chapters having to do with an arguably “spiritual affliction” (“tzaraat” in the Hebrew, in spite of what the KJV says, there’s no real English equivalent!) that Mark suggests still has a lot to teach us, ESPECIALLY if we don’t think we see the symptoms any more.
The Sabbath Day teaching this week again seems to demonstrates that Torah really IS about Life and Death. It starts with birth, and another now-politically-incorrect few commandments, followed by a lot of detail about a spiritual ‘plague’ so infectious that it contaminates not only people, but even their clothes and houses.