Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa looks at the Scriptures associated with the first Sabbath of the final Fall Feasts, Sukkot, or “Tabernacles”.
The Erev Shabbat overview teaching is a look at Leviticus 22:26 through 23:44, the description of the Feasts of YHVH, and why we are to keep them throughout our generations, in “all our dwelling places”.
And yet here we are now at the climax Fall Feasts – the first Sabbath of Sukkot, the Moedim of YHVH we have been told to remember and do, as best we can, here in exile – forever.
We see IN-credible Big Whoppin’ Lies being foisted – and revealed as such, to those with “eyes to see”. We see Evil literally running amok. And we see prophecies being fulfilled, perhaps NOT for the first time.
And we know that there is a real point to remembering His feasts, and doing our best to learn what He has for us.