Parsha “Shemini”– teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa teaches the Torah portion “Shemini” and the many related Scriptures that matter SO much “at such a time as this.”

The Erev Shabbat overview begins on the “Eighth [shemini] day” after the annointing of Aaron as High Priest, or kohen gadol, along with his two oldest sons, Nadav and Abihu, and the tragedy that follows. There are MANY lessons in that, and, perhaps surprisingly to some, the Biblical teaching of what constitutes “food” (and what does NOT) follows immediately. No coincidence…

SSM “Shemini” 2018

Alternative link via Hebrew Nation Radio:

The Sabbath Day teaching continues with the major themes of the parsha, and the very-much related haftorah segment (from II Samuel 6 through 7:17) and how all of that is SO vitally important, arguably always, but especially now – with a world on the verge of Biblical-level carnage.

Follow along as Mark draws the parallels between Big Lies past and present (“nuthin’ new under the sun”) and how — if even His “annointed” can fall prey to the Capital Crime of doing that which He “did NOT command,” then <em>how much more so</em> those who have been lied to most of their lives about what is “holy,” and what is profane, what is “clean,” or NOT, and even what is <em>FOOD</em>, or not!

“Shemini: and why He says, ‘I WILL be Sanctified!’ “

Alternative link via Hebrew Nation Radio:

About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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