This week’s parsha, Shemot, (Exodus 1 through 6:1) begins the Book of the same name, and the story which forms the literal archetype for deliverance.
And it begins – and ultimately ends – in the story of rebellion and obedience. The Big Question is at the heart of the matter: WHO do we serve?
First, the Erev Shabbat review of the whole story, which does being with “shemot”, the “names,” those sons of Israel who came into Mitzraim (Egypt), those midwives who names, Shiphrah and Puah, are memorialized BECAUSE they weren’t familiar with the GIV (“Government Inspired Version) of Romans 13 and obeyed Yah rather than some man who thought he was ‘god,’ and finally THE Name of YHVH Himself, the key to the Whole Story:
Alternative link via Hebrew Nation Radio:
The Sabbath Day teaching continues from the point where five of the most important, heroic women in all of Scripture demonstrate the key difference between obedience and rebellion (it IS about Who we serve!) and why the patterns of bondage and obedience to the RIGHT Master is still so vital. Perhaps more so than ever, given that virtually everything in Scripture is now so NOT-PC…
“Shemot: The named, the UN-named, and His Name… heroines vs heretics”
Alternative link via Hebrew Nation Radio:
The combined part 1 and 2 files for both sections via the HNR page are up here.