Parsha Yitro (Exodus chapters 18 through 20) is most famously associated with the giving of the “Ten Commandments” to the mixed multitude of “All Israel” on Mount Sinai.
There is, of course, much more. More to the story, more to what was said, and maybe even more than just “ten” of ’em.
Join Mark Call first for the Erev Shabbat review of all of that.
Alternative link via Hebrew Nation Radio:
During the Sabbath Day teaching, Mark continues that teaching with a deeper look at some of the major “themes” of Yitro, from his mission, to the ‘preparation’ for what is to come, to the famous Covenant itself. There’s even a bit of “nerdy Markology”, which hopefully informed speculation, perhaps couched in modern terminology to help expand on a millenia-old event.
And have you ever noticed that YHVH describes what He is offering to a “Kingdom of PRIESTS” even before those cohenim are identified later as specifically from the tribe of Levi?
including some observations, and ‘dot-connection’, regarding what may have been one of the biggest “data dumps” in human history.
Mark calls it “channel prep” — preparing US for the download, and all the ‘hyperlinks’ that computer channels do at electronic speeds nowadays, but we still have to do by preparing ourselves — line by line, precept by precept — for His instruction to be written on our hearts, so we can walk what we have already been told is a “narrow path” — and FEW there be that find it.
“Yitro: Ten Debarim and Channel Prep”
Alternative link via Hebrew Nation Radio:
The combined part 1 and 2 files for both sections are up here, via the page for the teaching on Hebrew Nation Radio.