Every week the Torah portion seems to cast new light on old evil, and demonstrate AGAIN why the people of Israel – BOTH houses! – were sent into exile, and still remain.
Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship a two-step look at parsha “Shoftim” (Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9) and more in-depth examination of why blasphemy that “the Law was done away with” is one of the Biggest Lies in all human history. The fruit, for those with “eyes to see” is increasingly impossible to ignore, and there are far more than two or three witnesses to the Truth of what is being revealed.
The Erev Shabbat overview of the portion:
The Hebrew Nation Radio alternative link is here:
There IS one dramatic change to the ‘context’ of the instruction in this parsha that illustrates just how far we’ve come down the path to “as it was in the time of Noah,” and it highlights the central theme of Mark’s deeper look into the lesson this week:
We have been exiled from the land, where almost everything that is being openly bragged about by those who so clearly and viscerally hate Yahuah would have carried a death penalty, once proven on the testimony of those two or three witnesses. How can we “put away the evil from the midst” of us, when virtually the whole world now SERVES it? And it’s those who try to “hear and obey” Him that now fear being shadow-banned, shunned, de-platformed, and red-flagged if they don’t pretend to be sociopaths as well? (Even though we are also commanded NOT to fear them!)
Don’t miss this hard-hitting look at just exactly WHY “justice, JUSTICE!” is no longer an option from “shoftim” who aren’t.
“Shoftim: ‘Justice, justice’, or Innocent Blood?”
Alternative link via Hebrew Nation Radio:
The combined audio file is available as well, via the HNR page here.