Parsha “B’shalach”– teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

There is a military concept, sometimes attributed to ancient military strategist Sun Tzu’s book, <em>The Art of War</em><strong>, that is based on different types of fighting ground, from “open ground” to “desparate”. Today, that most desperate situation that people can find themselves in, a fight from which no escape seems possible, “backs to the wall,” or a literal fight for survival, is often called “Death Ground” by military strategists.

But one of the most ancient descriptions of such a seemingly hopeless situation comes from this week’s Torah portion, “Beshalach,” and precedes what might be the “Biggest Miracle” — in terms of scope and later fame — in all of Scripture, the “parting of the Red Sea” (ok, well, probably really the “Sea of Reeds”).

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship a two-part study of this first part of the long journey from bondage to freedom.

Mark sets out the overview in the Erev Shabbat teaching, which includes a WHOLE of elements that are fundamental to SO much of the Torah, along with what seems to be a setup for some potential contradictions:

SSM Beshalach 2020

The Sabbath day teaching takes on those apparent “contradictions” head-on.

“B’shalach: What is often OVERLOOKED about the ‘Crossing of the Red Sea, and LIFE Ground!”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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