Parsha “Ki Tetzi” (Deuteronomy 21:10-25″9) is said to contain more ‘mitzvot’, or commandments, than any other parsha in the Torah. It is also one of the very most “politically incorrect.”
This portion, not surprisingly, also includes some of the examples most cited by atheists, satanists, and wannabe tyrants of all stripes as to why they hate the Bible almost as much as they do the Author Who Wrote it.
And the fact that this is so obviously the case is about as clear an explanation of why ‘the whold world’ is literally becoming a hell on earth as you will find.
Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship first for a look at the whole “twisted by the unlearned and untaught” thing, during the Erev Shabbat overview:
…and then for the “no holds barred” Sabbath teaching, which picks up where the Whore Church tries to leave it: “done away with,” irrelevant, and too embarrasing to talk about, except perhaps derisively.
While there are number of what might be, to those of us who now know we “inherited lies from our fathers,” disconnected and unrelated bits of ‘legalism,’ there are in fact SEVERAL consistent themes.
From marriage, vows, and “divorce” (what IS, and what is NOT!) to economics and why the world stands on the brink of well-deserved collapse, this one hits as close to the heart of ‘evil’ as we can handle.
“Ki Tetzi: ‘Thus you shall put away the evil from among you’ “
The combined two-part teaching is here, via the Hebrew Nation Radio page.