Back Into Bondage

The months leading up to the time of Pesach, or Passover, are traditionally a time for the study of the Exodus.  YHVH selected Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Mitzraim (Egypt), following a series of plagues and numerous miracles, most famously the parting of the Sea of Reeds.  It is a story of bondage, and of deliverance.  It is a story that has FAR more to do with the world today than many people would be willing to believe.

The early part of the story includes the ten plagues visited upon those who held Israel in bondage, and — among other things — amounts to a judgment against the many false ‘gods’ (“mighty ones” or elohim) of that land.  This author is not alone in suggesting that when the ‘end times’ great regathering plays out, it, too, will include plagues directed at more modern idols, arguably including at a minimum dishonest ‘money’ (the false god in whom we trust INSTEAD of Him) and perhaps some of the idols pushed by Hollywood.  But it is the question of slavery itself, or bondage to “another master” that is so important to understand today.  And it is the striking contrast to the story of that first Exodus that so illustrates the principles.

Many people have noted that the process of redeeming the people who were freed from Egyptian slavery can be divided primarily into two major phases:  the physical escape from bondage, and the arguably more, and certainly longer, process of overcoming the “slave mentality”.  After getting the children of Israel out of Egypt, in other words, it was necessary to complete the process by getting Egypt out of them.

It is the “slave mentality” that is crucial to subjecting  a people into bondage, and is most pernicious — as Scripture makes so clear — to “come out of”.

The key distinction to be made in that story, and indeed in all of Scripture, seems to rest on the character of the Creator YHVH Himself.  He is a Keeper of Covenant, an Almighty Who honors His Covenants, keeps His promises, and ultimately has SHOWN Himself to be trustworthy.  Pharoah, on the other hand, is the archetype of the alternative:  a mere man with an inflated opinion of himself, who THINKS he is a ‘god,’ does not know or care to know YHVH (Ex. 5:2) — and will not heed correction.  For a time he “hardens his [own] heart” to Moses’ demands to “let My people go,” but eventually it is too late, the die is cast, and YHVH hardens it for him as he goes to his own destruction down the road he has chosen.  YHVH uses him as the primary example of a false god, evil slave master, and failed king — so that our choice will be clear.  At the same time — continually, and repeatedly — that He shows Israel Who He Is (“ani YHVH!” –  “I am that I AM“) He [   ] the alternative.  “I will get Me honor upon Pharaoh”  (Ex. 14:4) and even the Egyptians shall know that “I AM YHVH.”  Pharaoh and all who served him were destroyed by the same waters through which the children of Israel were delivered into freedom, and (Ex. 14:31) they feared YHVH, and believed Him.

The common refrain of Scripture is CHOOSE:  Who we will serve.  Life and blessing, as opposed to death and cursing.  And WHICH Master!  The One Who keeps His Covenant, or the ‘prince of this world’, and those who serve him, whether they are called Pharaoh, Caesar, Emperor, Czar, king,  Premier, Chief Executive, Dictator, Fuhrer, or Commander.  Ultimately, as the Messiah tells us (Matthew 6:24 et al) we cannot and must not serve both.

The story of the Exodus is the story of YHVH, “by His mighty hand,” bringing His people OUT of bondage to Pharaoh, first by removing them from that place of bondage, and then delivering them from the attitude of bondage, as they learned to serve Him, and obey His Instruction, including His “statutes, judgments, and commandments.”  The story of the world, today, however, is a stark contrast, as people who once claimed to be His are deceived BACK into bondage.

We have truly “inherited lies from our fathers.”  If, as the ‘church’ has preached for centuries, the “law is done away with” — then why should we be surprised when governments of man ignore the “Supreme Law of the Land,” and treat what were once called “God-given Rights” as mere privileges, subject to revocation at the whim of the new master?  When ever-increasing “terror threats” justify treating once-free people like convicted criminals, they are no longer free.  When “due process” is no longer due, “citizens” are conditioned to servitude.  When police and federal ‘officers’  become “enforcers” rather than public servants, the conditioning to servitude continues.  When ‘the law’ becomes a tool for subjugation rather than the foundation for justice, that process is nearly complete.

When disarmed, helpless people are huddled together in what could better be described as “indoctrination centers” than educational institutions, why are we surprised that pharma-psychotic killers seek them out as killing fields full of easy prey?  And that the expected “solution” is always “more of the same” thing which helped foment the problem?  The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was ousted from the scene long ago, replaced by the god(s) of this world.   What are the slaves told to expect?  More prescribed drugs, more “Laws” that violate the Real Law, more control, and more power and glory to Pharaoh.

Thus says YHVH: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm [strength]; whose heart departs from YHVH.   (Jeremiah/YermeYahu 17:5)

Just as Pharaoh’s magicians claimed to be able to mimic the initial plagues of YHVH, and managed to bring forth even MORE frogs (as if that was somehow an answer to the problem!) — so today do the magicians and banksters and politicians manage to bring forth more plagues of drugs, and violence, and dishonest money.  And the burdens of the once-free slaves increase.  Rather than being delivered FROM a slave mentality, the world and those in and of it are being conditioned more and more INTO a slave mentality.  In the formerly United States, for example, sacrosanct God-given Rights like freedom of assembly, speech, privacy, and self-protection are being methodically regulated, registered, taxed, and prohibited.  Even the Right to own private property is being systematically eliminated – ironically by “infringing” first on the ONE type of private property (“arms”, or military and defense weapons)  which was EXPLICITLY protected by the Bill of Rights!  If the Law protecting property singled out for protection can be so completely ignored, just what is left that CANNOT be denied to such people?  Slaves cannot claim to own property.

Perhaps worse still, not only are “Rights” once said to come from a God that is no longer welcome in Government, its schools, and its courts being ignored (even while politicians swear an OATH before Him) but the only ‘rights’ that DO seem to matter are things YHVH Himself calls abomination:  “Our journey is not complete until our gay [sic – homosexual] brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law,” said the ostensible king of the Amerikan Democracy, as he took the Creator of the Universe to task for not understanding “love”.  It would appear that the only “rights” which will soon remain include things YHVH calls “abomination” — the ‘right’ of a man to be licensed by Pharaoh to “lie with a man as with a woman”, and the ‘right’ of a woman to commit murder of a baby at least up until the moment of birth.  (The irony of that lie was revealed in a recent address by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who claimed recently that a woman must have the ability to abort a baby, “because it’s her body, her choice,” although in that same state she is NOT allowed to say “No!” to a demand for a “stop and frisk” warrant-less search, or to a grope or X-ray at a subway station or airport, or to a rapist with a handgun.  Some “choice”.  Who’s body was it again, Gov?)

Slaves don’t have Rights from God, they have privileges, granted on the whim of their earthly master.  As people turn away from God, and seek instead the “protection” of ‘elohim’ like Presidents and Pharaohs, they are being led back INTO bondage, back INTO a slave mentality.  As has been seen so clearly are repeatedly of late, “evil” is being called good, exactly as prophesied, and “because lawlessness (‘torah-less-ness’) shall abound, the love of many will grow cold.” (Matthew 24:12)

YHVH led the children of Israel out of Egypt via “the long way” home, because He knew that they would encounter trials, and testing, and would look for the easy way out — which is to return to bondage.  For most of the world today, the “easy road” leads directly to slavery, in the form of that “other master.”  Politicians, and police, and even preachers claim to believe “in” the law, whether it is God’s, or man, but then don’t DO what it says, much less what He says!  “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?”  (Luke 6:46)

Sadly, that applies to the people who might like to be “called by His Name” as well.  They claim to believe “IN God” – but then don’t actually BELIEVE Him!  That is NOT GOOD ENOUGH, because, “even the demons believe!”  (Yakov/James 2:19)

By now, it is becoming impossible to deny that difficult times lie ahead, for the whole world.  Economic collapse is clearly in progress, and the abominations of dishonest fiat money, like the Almighty Dollar, the “world reserve currency,” are being destroyed.  The erstwhile slave masters of that world seek to consolidate their control over the masses before those people realize the degree to which they have already been enslaved, and before they can choose en masse to “come out of her,” and perhaps avoid the plagues which lie dead ahead.  The propaganda, the indoctrination, the deception, and ultimately the coercion to submit — again! — to Pharaoh and to the world system will continue accelerate.  Slavery follows, and those who have been properly conditioned will come to understand why they must submit to his ‘mark’ if they want to be able to buy or sell, or even keep property they once thought they owned.

For those who seek to serve YHVH, and obey “Him alone,” the choice has never been clearer, more stark, and — by design — more difficult.  The “easy road” leads back into bondage, while the longer road that He has for us will truly take us home.  We can choose to truly believe Him, and thus obey Him, and trust Him, or trust in the lies, because those whom He has made free will be “free indeed.”   It is not enough to believe IN Him.  If we believe that He IS Who He says He is, we must DO what our real Master says as well.

About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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