Colbert gets it BACKWARD

For a real example of missing the point, check this out:

Steve Colbert Gets it BACKWARDs

…by thinking that there is a contradiction somehow between wanting a “background check” for becoming a “citizen” of the Nanny State, and a background check in order for that slave to be allowed to “buy or sell”  (at first, guns – but, ultimately – everything) a ONCE Constitutionally-guaranteed Right.

To relieve the concerns of many conservatives, the Republican senators proposing immigration reform have pointed out that undocumented immigrants will have to undergo fingerprinting and background checks, among many other things, before obtaining a green card. However, as Colbert points out, many Republicans oppose the same basic requirement to obtain an assault weapon.


“Yes, they must be fingerprinted, they must be background checked. After all they are trying to get citizenship, not an assault weapon.”

It is just two sentences, but it really sums up much of the debate around the two issues.


The truly GREAT irony is that Colbert (and evidently this author) gets it BACKWARD and misses what should have been his own point!

BOTH ‘immigration reform’ and ‘gun registration’ are about EXACTLY the same thing:  CONTROL and the god-like importance of the Big Brother State.  The real pretense here is that both Demo-cons and Republi-crats ultimately believe that only THEY, and the Almighty State, define what “Rights” are — and are NOT — and what the peons must do.

The “path to citizenship” requires registration and background checks.  So does the path to infringement of what is left of the Bill of Rights.  Colbert doesn’t believe people have “God-given Rights”.  Peons need to be conditioned to ‘registration’, fingerprinting, airport searches, and “infringement” in general.

He sums up the obvious similarity — and the contradictions — but doesn’t get it.  Nor does he see where such tyranny ALWAYS ends.

About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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