Parsha “Vayechi” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha ‘Vayechi,’ “And lived Yakov…” is the last one in the Book of Genesis, and concludes the lives of both Yakov, or Jacob, and later his son Yosef/Joseph (Genesis/Bereshiet 47:28 on). It’s also arguably the first of the “grafting in” stories of the ‘house of Israel,’ in the form of Yakov’s ‘adoption’ of Yosef’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh (or is it the other way around?) into the ‘twelve’ tribes — depending on how they are counted in context, of course.

And it sets the stage for the bondage to follow.

On Erev Shabbat, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa first covers the whole story, and some of those important nuances:

On first reading, this might be one of the few stories in the Bible where there is no obvious antagonist, or bad guy, much less a character that seems to represent ‘the Adversary,’ or outright evil. And yet, the word certainly appears, and there’s a setup for the next Book of Exodus that begs an important question: How did these sons of Israel descend so dramatically into bondage and slavery?

And, interestingly, it took about the same time for them as it did for America, since the Revolution for independence, to end up in another form of bondage.

Mark suggests that it hinges on a question that Jacob asks his son, apparently concerning his grandsons, but also for which he already knew the answer: “Whose are THESE?”

The Sabbath Day teaching suggests the question is about FAR more than meets the eye.

“Vayechi: Dealing With Evil”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via the Hebrew Nation Radio page.

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Parsha “Vayigash” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at parsha ‘Vayigash,’ (Genesis/Bereshiet 44:18 – 47:27): the second part of the “cliffhanger” story, where we see how Yosef’s plan works out, and the surprising development that makes it far different – and certainly better! – than he seemed to have been expecting.

Joseph clearly had a plan. And when we left off the story last week, at the ‘cliffhanger’, it was at the point of “Max Q” – where the stresses have reached the point where the ‘Truth will out’. And that turns out to be not just a turning point in all of their lives, but all of history.

First, on Erev Shabbat, Mark goes over the setup, and the whole story:

The Sabbath Day teaching is really about plans: Joseph’s plan to begin with, and, more importantly, how it fit with his Master’s far greater, larger, longer term plan.

There is, of course, an important lesson for us in here as well. And it might not necessarily be precisely many of us were taught in ‘sun-god-day skool’. Sometimes we DO have to discern, test, and ‘make judgments’ even. From here on out, it may well be a matter of life and death.

“Vayigash: Joseph’s Plan, Yah’s Still Bigger Plan, and Ours”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via the Hebrew Nation Radio page:

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Parsha “Miketz” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at parsha ‘Miketz,’ (Genesis/Bereshiet 41:1 – 44:17): the next installment in the story of the life of Yosef, or Joseph, and the middle of what could rightly be called the “Cliffhanger Series” story of Genesis.

It also really begins to give us a good look into the understanding of the man who is said to foreshadow the then-coming Messiah, as “Meshiach ben Yosef,” a.k.a., the “Suffering Servant.”

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the entire portion:

During the Sabbath Day teaching, Mark begins with the reminder that Joseph has been called the ‘suffering servant,’ and a “type and shadow” of at least one ‘aspect’ of the Messiah, a.k.a., Meshiach ben Yosef. He endured hardships in order to be in place to save many lives, including those who sold him into slavery.

But it’s the patterns and cycles of both history and prophecy that are the focus this week. Often they ‘rhyme,’ but sometimes the OPPOSITE half-cycle is what we see playing out; similar, but OPPOSITE. And that is what should really merit our attention today!

“Miketz: Discernment and Wisdom – or – the Opposite Half of the Cycle!”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayeshev” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at parsha ‘Vayeshev,’ (Genesis/Bereshiet chapters 37 through 40) and the first installment in the story of the life of Yosef, or Joseph, and what ultimately emerges as the ‘origin story’ of the two lines of kings that become the two houses, and outline an important picture of divisions that still persist today.

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the entire portion:

During the Sabbath Day teaching, Mark observes that sometimes it can be the ‘small parts’ of the story that may provide the clues that help us understand not only the character of the players involved, but an insight into how what might seem very different about their lives and challenges can guide us today.

Who actually took Yosef out of that pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites? Was it his brothers, or the Midianites? And does it really matter? Maybe, but not for the reason we might have thought.

And we probably know that Joseph has been called the ‘suffering servant,’ and a “type and shadow” of at least one ‘aspect’ of the Messiah, a.k.a., Meshiach ben Yosef. He endured hardships in order to be in place to save many lives, including those who sold him into slavery. Today, we face what may be the biggest act of mass murder in human history, and a precursor to the coming “Mark of the Beaat,” as well. Any parallels there?

“Vayeshev: Sometimes It’s Vital to Refuse to Be Comforted”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayishlach” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at parsha ‘Vayishlach,’ (Genesis/Bereshiet 32:4 through chapter 36) and the next part of the story of the life of Yakov, or Jacob, when he begins his long return trip but faces some VERY large challenges along the way, including has brother Esau (is he still angry after two decades?) and what looks like an army of 400 men. But, even still, there is more to it than that.

And it’s arguably a battle — on a number of fronts — that we still face.

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the entire portion:

Yakov is again identified with ’emet,’ or ‘truth,’ in verse 11 of this first chapter of the parsha. But again, another prominent aspect of his life has to do with ‘struggle.’ And that struggle is on multiple fronts, with at least two differnt emotional reactions to examine.

This is a parsha that, once again, REALLY speaks to us in a time of struggle.

Yakov even was said to have struggled with Yah. This week, he struggled, “with man and with Elohim.” Later in the portion, we see that he speaks with Yah, and is renamed “Isaac,” but for a SECOND time. Why twice? And just who, or Who, did he wrestle with that first time?

The questions here should help us understand not only THAT struggle, that didn’t end in death the next day, but evidently never ended at ALL, and how so much of Yakov’s struggle then remains something we “wrestle” with today, at minimum.

“Vayishlach: We STILL Wrestle”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayetze” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at parsha ‘Vayetze,’ (Genesis/Bereshiet 28:10 through 32:3) and the story of the life of Yakov, or Jacob, after he leaves home and begins to become the father of what will become the twelve tribes of Israel. But there is, of course, far more to it than that.

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the entire portion:

Yakov is often identified with ’emet,’ or ‘truth,’ as Mark mentioned during last week’s teaching. But there another prominent aspect of his life has to do with ‘struggle.’ And while the struggles we face today may seem quite different, the opposite is far closer to being true.

This is a parsha that merits a close look for that reason alone.

Yakov even was said to have struggled with Yah. And somehow that appears to even be something for which he was praised in Scripture. Still, Yahushua warned that the path that we should walk is “narrow,” and “few there be that find it.” That sounds like it might describe a struggle as well.

And, no doubt about it, the coming collapse of “Biblical proportions,” the attempt to foment a destructive ‘civil war,’ and coerce millions to commit ‘suicide by injection’ – or worse – is setting us all up for a struggle unlike anything we have ever known.

So isn’t that enough reason to understand Who and what we should REALLY be struggling against?

“Vayetze: The ‘Narrow Path’ Is a Struggle”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Toldot” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

When it comes to understanding what has gone so HIDEOUSLY wrong wrong in the world today, and especially what was once arguably “one nation under God,” to a place where “two nations struggle” — and may in fact be about ready for open civil war —
Mark will suggest that parsha Toldot this week (Genesis/Bereshiet 25:19-28:9) may be just about as illustrative as it gets.

The Erev Shabbat overview of the portion begins with ‘generations of Yitzak,’ but only just barely, which plot really seems to thicken with Rivkah/Rebecca’s vision that “two nations” were struggling within her.

And the story of how Yakov was moved to lie to his father, and impersonate Esau is, perhaps to put it mildly, “problematic,” and arguably ambiguous:

In the Sabbath Day teaching, Mark turns directly to those ‘problem aspects,’ and the question of whether these stories are ambiguous, or not, among others.

What does it mean to “despise” our birthright? (And are we seeing that all over again?) And how about deception? Was Jacob/Yakov – the man who is generally identified as the epitome of “emet,” or Truth – really right to lie so blatantly to his blind father?

Oh, and just who are those “two nations” that struggled then, and seem to have continued ever since?

“Toldot: Ambiguity or Ambivalence – Two Nations struggle”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Chayei Sarah” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at THE parsha (Chayei Sarah, Gen/Bereshiet 23:1 through 25:19) which chronicle some of the most vital aspects of what later became the ‘Common Law’ – from the nature of “contract” to the idea of ‘agency,’ also known as ‘representation,’ or in more modern legal parlance, ‘power of attorney.’ More importantly, it’s also central to the Hebrew understanding of what it means to “come in the name of”!

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the entire portion:

For the Sabbath Day teaching, Mark can’t help buy point out that what was once called the ‘common law,’ and the basis for most of what was the Constitution for these united States, is now not at all “common,” or even acknowledged. In fact, we’re beyond where “lawlessess abounds.” But what really should resonate now — especially this week — given the not-unexpected move to open Child Sacrifice by the Fedeeral Death Administration, is “the Mystery of Iniquity.”

How can people really have become to openly, truly Satanically, EVIL, and not even ashamed of it?

“Chayei Sarah: From ‘Common Law’ to the Mystery of LAWLESSness”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayera” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at parsha (Vayera, Gen/Bereshiet chapters 18 through 22) where some of the arguably most important events in the Torah play out, and then prefigure events that will again play out, even in the same place.

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the entire portion:

The Sabbath Day teaching focuses on Abraham the prophet, and not only the man of faith.

Mark begins with a ‘quandry.’ Abraham’s “Binding of Isaac,” aka ‘the Akieda’ is often cited as the ultimate ‘proof text’ of faith. “Now I know,” said YHVH, that you fear Yah, and, “have not withheld your son, your only son from Me.” (Gen. 22:12) And yet, he can argue, it’s completely logical for Abraham to KNOW, with complete certainty, that the ‘son of promise’ is NOT going to die on that mountain – one way or another! – because the things Abraham by this point KNOWS of a CERTAINTY WILL HAPPEN, will come through him. In other words, what some call “human sacrifice” was never even a remote possibility; Abraham just didn’t know how He would accomplish the miracle he was certain would happen.

So, no wonder Abraham spoke with such certainty to his servants: “Ya’ll stay here a while; the lad and I are gonna go up yonder to worship, we’ll be back…”

Which leads to the central question for this week:

Yes, Abraham was certainly a consummate ‘man of faith’. He showed that many times. But after all, he had SPECIFIC PROMISES, right from the very mouth of Yahuah Almighty Himself.
But how ’bout us?

We certainly have specific promises, albeit conditional, in His Word. And they clearly apply to each of us. But NOT in the same sense that Abraham was able to KNOW that his son Yitzak – he just didn’t know exactly HOW! – was going to come back with him. After all, he had multitudes to father through the line of his seed.

We don’t have THOSE kind of ‘specifics’.

The answer, Mark suggests, has a lot to do with something ELSE we know about Abraham, but tend to overlook.

And it may even help us to move mountains. Or deal with what’s coming. After all, how else could we possibly do even “greater works than these”?
“Vayera: Abraham’s logic, our faith, and ‘speaking into reality'”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Lekh Lecha” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at parsha (Lekh Lecha, Gen/Bereshiet chapters 12 through 17) where in this case we can hopefully say, “we’ve heard the PROMISES,” but, still, it’s the modern parallels that should certainly get our attention today.

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the entire portion:

The Sabbath Day teaching focuses on Abram/Abraham the MAN, human and flawed, and the man of faith. And the fact that he ‘came out of” a pagan world, although, as Mark will suggest, perhaps not nearly so pagan as the world today.

Abram was told to “get out of there,” and leave the place he had lived, and most of his kin, and go to a place that he would be told later. No hotel reservations, no tour books, just go.

And yet today – we’ve all heard something like this – “I hate my job,” “this is a lousy place to raise kids,” and they even want to do all kinds of things to me and my family that I know just aren’t right.

There’s more of vital importance right now in this portion than you might even have thought.

“Lekh Lecha: Abraham’s Faith in His Pagan World – vs Ours in This One”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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