It is increasingly hard to argue that a major breakdown is in progress throughout most of the world on many fronts…from social norms, to economic collapse , to the multi-front potential for war. History has demonstrated repeatedly that war generally follows economic breakdown, and the world is close to explosion on both fronts.
But there are other things described in prophecy which can truly bring “men’s hearts to fail” for fear.
Several well-known scientists and technology magnates have come forward recently to claim that what REALLY scares them is the possibility, even likelihood, of rogue “artificial intelligence”, or AI, and the potential for autonomous killing robots; literally, AI that decides that they – just like power mad dictators – want to play god.
Meanwhile, the military already has plans and contracts for what they call “LAWS,” for Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (although Lawless is certainly closer to the truth). Miniaturized spy drones called “Cicadas” have already been announced, to destroy any remaining vestiges of places where Big Brother is not already watching, and swarms of killer locust drones are not far behind. Nor are they hard to find in some Biblical prophecies.
And that’s literally just the beginning. The now-obvious “War on Cash” is a clear precursor, and necessary element, of the ‘mark’, without which no one will be allowed to “buy or sell.” Mandated vaccines are openly discussed, along with bio-engineered killer viruses to scare the sheeple into submission. (And CDC even holds the patents on many.) Practice runs for martial law– or conditioning exercises, take your pick – like Jade Helm 15, are on the immediate horizon. And even ‘earthquakes in many places,’ and asteroid impacts, are on the rise.
In so many ways, what seems to be coming for the whole world is beginning to look like the worst science fiction nightmare imaginable…literally a combination of the movie Terminator meets Minority Report, with shades of everything from War of the Worlds to Armageddon thrown in for good measure.
And as a result, people who DO have “eyes to see” and who “know the times and the seasons” may sometimes find the future overwhelming. Even hopeless. And that, clearly, is the intended message, even by design: “You can’t possibly fight it! So, go back to sleep.”
Most people will.
Even the prophecy in Revelation 13:4 seems to ask a similar question. “Who can make war with the Beast?”
That kind of attitude, and that type of deception, ultimately leads to one of just two paths:
Either the path of the Oblivious, to oblivion. Or the path of Obedience, to Him, and His salvation.
The irony of what is happening, and it is exactly what Scripture not only prophecies, but has shown in history, is that the worse things appear to be, the more we must recognize that His Word is true. Furthermore, that He “will do nothing, but” that He first reveals “…His secret unto his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7)
Just as the most-repeated ‘signature line’ in the Book of Exodus, “ani YHVH,” demonstrated that He is Who He says He is, and will keep His promises, it was also necessary for His purposes that all of Israel see, first-hand, His salvation. And it happened in the most extreme of circumstances!
When the assembled army and chariots of Pharoah looked down on the masses of the tribes of Israel, they were trapped; literally, between the “devil and the deep blue sea.” So far as any “rational observer” would have been concerned, there was no possible escape. Those of the mixed multitude who looked up to the high ground, toward the most fearful military power on Earth, certainly knew that, short of the most incredible miracle they had ever seen (and these folks had already seen a LOT of ’em!) they were dead.
And that was the key. Not just Israel, said YHVH, but even all of the Egyptions, shall KNOW that ani YHVH! The people of Israel, however, were “sore afraid,” and they whined their disapproval. And yet Moshe uttered the most-repeated command in Scripture, “Fear not!” and told them to “see the Salvation of YHVH!”
Is there another “parting of the Sea” event in our future?
One thing is for certain. If the Great Regathering described in prophecy is to follow the Great Exile – and many witnesses confirm that understanding – then it makes sense that the Miracle He has planned will be even more impressive, even more dramatic, and even more undeniable that He IS Who He says He is!
Who can make war with the Beast? Certainly not any of us, in our human frailty. But, that same story told us that YHVH is the Master of War!
Doesn’t it make perfect sense, and comport precisely with the Character of Yah that we have seen outlined so perfectly in Scripture, that all of the world will, in His appointed time, see the Salvation of Yah in the way that He has already planned? And that what He has purposed, He will do?
Not one of those sci-fi nightmare movies has the right ending. And we know why.
But what is coming will be “one for the ages.”
I, for one, can hardly wait.