Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa for the first installment of the story of Yakov/Jacob’s journey, from his first direct encounter with Yahuah to the place where he later spends 20 years and acquires the family from which come the twelve tribes of Israel. (Parsha “Vayetzei,” Genesis 25:19 – 32:3)
The Erev Shabbat overview teaching is covers the story itself, how his encounter with YHVH might seem to be during one of the most difficult and fearful times of his life, so far, and then how he comes to have wives, children and flocks, and a legacy which spans millenia.
The Sabbath Day teaching this week really covers a lot of ground. Yes, this is a “politically incorrect” parsha, which again makes clear that what Yahuah Wrote for us is often very divergent from men have subsequently decided to REwrite for Him. But this is a particularly important Torah lesson for us today, because it can teach us how to deal with fear and massive change in our own lives.
Mark looks at many of the things happening in our world today that demonstrate the “scale of Evil” we face, and the choices that result. Will we trust in Him, as Yakov did, or “<em>return to our place</em>” in failure, as Laban demonstrated?
“Vayetzei – Fear NOT in a world full of fear:
from food and marriage to ‘rapture,’ ‘flat earth,’ and silver “