“Mikketz”– teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa for the continuing saga of the “Suffering Servant,” Yosef/Joseph, and how THE Plan of YHVH continues to play out, in the second part of a series of parsha “cliff-hangers”. (Parsha “Mikketz,” Genesis 41:1 – 44:17. And a look at I Maccabees, and Zechariah 2-4, too.)

The Erev Shabbat overview teaching again covers the story itself, from Pharoah’s TWO dreams to the ‘cliff-hanger,’ as at least PART of Yosef’s plan — but not evidently YHVH’s —
comes to a conclusion.

SSM Miketz 2017

The Sabbath Day teaching this week again really covers a LOT of ground. How interesting is it that this parsha usually coincides with the time of Chanukah? (And, yes, there’s a LOT of ‘tradition’ around this one, but that’s only PART of the story!)

Yosef’s story is that of a man who looks a look like a “harbinger”, or “type/shadow”, if you prefer, of at least one potential picture of the Meshiach then still yet-to-come. And while he literally brings ‘salvation’, to “preserve life” — what happens thereafter is a people who descend into slavery.

Why were there (so far as we know) not any “Egyptian Preppers?”

The answer to THAT question seems to tie, Mark suggests, closely to the OTHER story that fits in so many ways for this “time and season” — the tyranny and Evil of yet another time in history where the parallels, and the lessons, are too important, even if unsavory, to be ignored.

“Mikketz: I Love it when a PLAN comes together…
Messiah, and NOT…and what does <em>that </em>have to do wih Channukah? “


About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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