Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for this week’s teaching of “Re’eh,” (Deuteronomy 11:25 through 16:17), which he initially begins by introducing as the parsha which is front and center when it comes to “Debunking Bogus ‘xtianity’ “.
And the Erev Shabbat overview of course begins there, where Moses begins by say, paraphrased a bit, “Hey, check it out!” or, “Behold!,” or just “See…”
…I set before you a blessing, and a curse…
So choose.
But, perhaps more importantly, THIS is THE parsha that really nails WHY the ‘whore church’ has been so deceived by paganism.
SSM “Re’eh” Teaching for 2018 Torah cycle
Alternative link via HNR:
The Sabbath Day teaching will no doubt be one of the most “controversial” – even by Mark’s standard – in some time, because this parsha really DOES encapsulate so much of what the paganized, romanized, 501c(3) Caesar-licensed corporate ‘chuch’ of “another master” has come to preach: “another jesus, whom we have NOT preached…”
But the title lays out the premise.
“Re’eh: The Biggest Lie in the whole ‘Bible’ — well, sorta…”
Alternative link via HNR:
The combined part 1 and 2 files for both sections are up here, and available for download and off-line listening here via the Hebrew Nation Radio links as well.