Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for this week’s teaching of “Shoftim,” (Deuteronomy 16:18 through 21:9), which seems to literally encapsulate most of what is ABSOLUTELY WRONG with the western world today!
The Erev Shabbat overview of course begins with the commandment to select righteous (in other words, Torah-obedient) judges, or ‘shoftim’, to the end that “justice, JUSTICE!” you shall pursue.
Those who have been following what passes for “just-us” nowadays will recognize just how far we have fallen. And the rest of the parsha truly brings that home.
Alternative link via Hebrew Nation Radio:
The Sabbath Day teaching is perhaps even more NOT ‘politically-correct’ than last week, to the extent that Mark demonstrates how the command in the last verse in the parsha, literally the one-line summary, is to “<em>do what is RIGHT in the eyes of YHVH</em>.”
Not only has ‘the world’ now gone beyond merely what the Book of Shoftim (Joshua) suggests is a Big Problem, “every man did that which was right in HIS OWN EYES,” but the opposite extreme now has become an overt attempt to “do that which is downright EVIL in the eyes of Him they so clearly hate!”
The title again lays out the premise:
“Shoftim: The Definition of PC is ‘do that which is <em>Evil</em> in His eyes!”
HNR link to “Shoftim: NOT what is Evil in eyes of YHVH”
The combined part 1 and 2 files for both sections are up here, and available for download and off-line listening via Hebrew Nation Radio is here: