Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for another two-part look at the single, short, two chapter portion of the Torah that begins the ‘wrap-up’ of Moshe’s extended teaching and summary of the Torah that climaxes in his final days, as he turns over leadership to Yohushua/Joshua.
This parsha (Vayelek, Deuteronomy chapter 31) recaps another important piece of advice – then and now – as they, then, and we, now, face the challenges to come. It also comes as we look forward to the heart of the Fall Feasts.
The Erev Shabbat overview of the parsha lays it all out:
This week the Sabbath Day portion of the teaching begins with the central command of the parsha, and why it was important then, and every bit as much so now, although in some respects we are in the “opposite part of the [historic] cycle”:
Kazakh! Or, Be Strong and of Good Courage.
The combined audio file:
“Vayelek: Kazakh! for the opposite half-cycle”