This week, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship takes a look at teachings associated with the final days of the Passover feast and the last Sabbath of the week of Unleavened Bread.
During the Erev Shabbat overview teaching, Mark examines the traditional parsha for this week, from Exodus 13:17 through 15:26, that tells the story of what happens AFTER the plagues, up to the crossing of the Sea of Reeds. In other words, the end of the ‘exodus proper’ and the Beginning of the real journey:
This week continued the escalation unparalleled turmoil in the world, to the point where the war against those who seek to follow YHVH and His Word — or even pretend to, in too many cases — has become undeniable, except among those who deceive for ‘another master’.
There IS a war in progress, on many fronts, and it ‘sure as heck ain’t holy’. But all of that, in conjunction with ‘such a time as this,’ and the lessons and reminders of this very season, have much to teach us, and much to warn us about. In the special Sabbath Day teaching for this final part of the week of Unleaved Bread, Mark’s message is entitled:
“UN-holy War and the Greater Exodus”
The combined teachings for both sessions are up here, and available for download, as well as via the Hebrew Nation page.