Pesach Sabbath teachings from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week the Sabbath falls during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and thus after the Pesach meal. It is also, by the count based on the sighted new moon, perhaps no coincidence that the date alignment this year corresponds to the week during which the Messiah took ‘the cup’ on our behalf. And for the first time in centuries, this year, something very DIFFERENT has been “done away with.”

This is a season that was foretold literally throughout Scripture. This year,however, the pattern is particularly significant, and not only because of the alignment of the days of this week. The lesson has perhaps never been more vital.

Just as Yahushua HaMashiach warned, the Truth will offend many. So will this teaching. And the more deception has been poured into “itching ears,” the more vitriolic that offense will be. We see it in post-Biblical AmeriKa, from Snowflakes in Safe Spaces to Ishtar sun-god day services (see Ezekiel 8-9) that won’t be allowed this year.

The Erev Shabbat portion of the teaching takes a look first at the prophetic aspects of this season, both via the history — initial, repeated, and fulfilled  — and the many warnings in Scripture.

The Sabbath Day pulls no punches.

If the most important event in human history being renamed after a pagan fertility goddess doesn’t offend you, neither should the destruction now playing out.

What has happened, is IS happening, on an international, literally truly SATANIC level, is an offense to YHVH. On that score His Word leaves no doubt.

“Shabbat Pesach: Two Houses, But BOTH Still Blind”



The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

About mark

Semi-retired electronic engineer, turned author and lecturer; occasional radio talk show host, and motivated Torah/Bible teacher. Also an avid private pilot (Private, ASEL, Inst), radio amateur, scuba diver, and aspiring sailor.
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