This week’s reading from the Torah, parsha Mikets (Genesis/Bereshiet chapter 40 through 44:17) is the second reading dealing with the life and times of Yosef (Joseph) and which might be referred to as the “Time In-between.” It begins with “after two whole years,” following his interpretation of the dreams of Pharaoh’s chief baker and butler, when he was NOT ‘remembered,’ but forgotten. Until Pharaoh’s dreams.
The Erev Shabbat reading — “AFTER two whole years” — begins with those dreams, and Joseph’s sudden elevation from prisoner to Number 2 man in all of Egypt:
There are again a number of major themes in the study of Joseph this week, certainly adding to what he teaches us about dreams, to a number of issues surrounding ‘authority,’ and especially in contrast to today.
Pharaoh, a pagan king, recognized a trustworthy man in whom was the “Ruach Elohim,” when Joseph stood before him. And he acted on that understanding, decisively. In the related haftorah reading (I Kings 3), Solomon asked for wisdom, and was given it. Shortly thereafter, “all Israel…saw that the wisdom of Elohim was in him to administer justice.”
What a contrast THAT is with what we have seen!
Still, though, we are in that time “in-between”.
Miketz: It’s a ‘cliff-hanger’ until we know how He plans it to play out’
The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.