Parsha “Terumah” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The Torah portion this week, parsha Terumah, (Exodus/Shemot 25:1-27:19) takes a departure from the narrative of Moshe and the sons of Israel, or mixed multitude now in the wilderness near Mount Sinai, to begin the exposition of something that will play a major role in events that will play out next.

This is the first installment of instructions that begin with “take an offering” (terumah) from every man whose heart makes him willing, to begin the construction of the mishkan, or tabernacle.

The Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha :

The Sabbath day teaching this week begins with the concept of the ‘pattern’ that YHVH says He would show Moses. Many who have studied this portion share a similar sentiment, that without being shown, even though the text description is detailed, to actually BUILD the mishkan seems like an almost impossible task.

And the same might be true for dealing with the challenges we face today. There is a pattern; we have been warned about it for a very long time. Which leads to a common question:

“Terumah: Have We Been Shown the Pattern?”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Mishpatim” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha Mishpatim (Exodus/Shemot chapters 22 through 24) is said to contain over 11.5% of all the Mishpatim, or commandments, in the Torah. And it’s now just about the most “politically-INcorrect” of all, too. Which says even more about a society that so hates His Word.

This is the first set of instruction that follows the giving of the ‘Ten Commandments,’ and appears to continue a theme; YHVH brought them – and all of us – out of bondage, and then explains how to build a society, and live in His freedom.

This next installment then follows with a caution about the alternative.

The Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha :

There is a warning associated with the Sabbath day ‘deeper look’. Yahushua told us that, evidently speaking of such a time as this, many would be offended, and hate one another (especially for His sake, and Truth), and the love of many would grow cold.

Lately, it almost seems as if that might even be an understatement.

Which turns out to be the point.

“Mishpatim: Through which all the Dots Connect…”

The combined two-part podcast is here:

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Parsha “Yitro” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week Parsha Yitro (Exodus/Shemot chapters 18 through 20) begins with the arrival of Yitro (aka ‘Jethro’) at the camp of the ‘mixed multitude’, along with Moshe’s wife Zipporah and his two sons, but it’s certainly true that the part of the story for which is most famous happens at Mount Sinai.

The Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha tells us about Yitro’s arrival, his understanding of the Real Elohim that follows, some excellent advice for his son-in-law, and of course the lead-up and giving of the “Ten Debarim,” (words, sayings, commandments):

Mark again asks a couple of question to set up the Sabbath day midrash:

What belongs to US? What is His? And what ever happened to these ‘Ten Commandments’?

And the answer, for reasons that will be made clear, has to do with exactly where we are today, spiritually, and prophetically.

“Yitro: Permitted Reach – and Beyond, Biden and Ahab”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “B’shalach” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

After the completion of the plagues of Egypt, the ‘Exodus’ itself of the ‘mixed multitude’ continues with Parsha B’shalach (Exodus/Shemot 13:17-17:16), from Pharoah, and his ‘tyranny’.

And, without question, this parsha contains the seeds of so many elements that highlight the rest of Scripture.

The Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha:

Mark again has to ask a question to set up the Sabbath day midrash:

We’ve heard the ‘central command’ of Moses phrased this way a thousand times, “Let my people GO!”

So, why is the title of this parsha, and the better translation of what REALLY happened, that what came to pass was not just when Pharaoh had done merely that, but had SENT THEM OUT, “shalach-ed’ ’em”? And, THEN, just to make sure they didn’t decide to head right back INTO Egypt and bondage, He brought ’em the long way around, instead of the obvious shortcut?

Certainly, the central theme of the story is so we – all – will know, “ki ani YHVH” – that “I AM Yahuah”. But the word used here for what happened is not simply “let’em go,” but that he SENT them out. And YHVH was very clear, even in the setup, about what must occur.

Here, too, the lesson not only echoes through the centuries, but should strike us, today, particularly, with just how important that distinction is.

“B’Shalach: Deep Fakes, Deception, and Demons”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Bo” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The story of the plagues of Egypt and the Exodus continues with Parsha Bo (Exodus/Shemot 10:1 – 13:16).

Much of the story is familiar, but this week the final ‘set of three’ plagues concludes, setting up the finale, with the ‘Death of the Firstborn,’ and more importantly, the Passover event that we are to remember, and teach our children, forever.

The Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha tells us WHY, more than once, this is so important:

Mark has to ask a question to set up the Sabbath day midrash: With the whole world poised on the brink of nuclear conflagration – arguably at a more dangerous point than any of us have EVER seen in any of our lives – why are we talking about an event, and a feast to commemorate it, that happened so many thousands of years ago?

And the answer, for reasons that will be clear, but may sound a bit familiar anyway, is that understanding His “signs,” and the reasons for them – not just then, but ESPECIALLY now, have never been more vital.

The judgments on the fake gods of modern Egypt are just as real, but His point hasn’t changed, and neither has He.

He “put a difference” between those who were His and the rest of Egypt that first time. But those who became the ‘mixed multitude’ had to make a choice to do so.

“Bo: Signs Memorials and Circumcision “

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayera” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week’s regular Torah portion or parsha is “Vayera” (Shemot/Exodus 6:2 through 9:35) and it not only continues the story of the life of Moses/Moshe but begins the first of the “Plagues of Egypt.”

And, again, much of the story is familiar, but it’s the details and PATTERNS that are not only fascinating, but vital to our understanding…especially if we expect that they may be about to repeat, one way or another.

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha:

The Sabbath Day teaching suggests that some of the same confusion people confront today concerning the pending judgment of the US, and the world, is probably more similar to what might have confronted people in ancient Egypt than we might expect. But the themes of this parsha help make that clear:

The One, True REAL Elohim – vs the fakes. Just some of the names have changed.

But NOT the One that really matters!

And just when along the path did people start to come to The Realization? Remember, when we read “Pharaoh’s heart was hardened,” that’s a poor translation. Because there are TWO separate words in the Hebrew.

Are people’s heart’s today “strong” and “courageous” – or just plain stubborn? It clearly makes a difference.

Maybe it even begs a question that helps to frame where we are now, in a sequence that will probably, eventually repeat:

Did Pharaoh have his own “fact checkers” for the ancient version of Twitter, to manage “disinformation” about just who was causing the problems?

EVENTUALLY, Yah “put a difference” between His people, and those that turned out to be “vessels…prepared for destruction.” Can we begin to see what that might look like?

“Vayera: Patterns — in Themes, Plagues, and Hearts”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Shemot” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at parsha Shemot (Exodus 1:1 through 6:1) — the first installment in the story of the life of Moshe (Moses) and the beginning of The Exodus.

We all almost certainly know much of the story: a Pharoah arose who “knew not Joseph,” wanted to kill of the boy Hebrew babies, and how Moses was put in an ark in the Nile, and rescued by – among others! – Pharoah’s daughter.

But, as we’ve also come to understand, there is FAR more…

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha:

The Sabbath Day teaching is about tackling what is, perhaps never more so than now, a “matter of life and death.” And that really is THE central theme of this new Book as well.

Mark has suggested for several years during the studies of the Exodus that “ki ani Yahuah” is one of the most fundamental descriptions for the ‘moral of the story’:

that ‘kol Israel’ – all of ’em – will know that “I AM Yahuah.”

that Pharoah will know that “ki ani Yahuah.” That all Egypt will know, that we will know, that, ultimately, all the world will know “ki ani Yahuah.”

But there’s also something more ‘subtle,’ and yet also more insidious, and, yes, ‘satanic’ at issue, too. Why does this story make such a clear point – up front – about the midwives who obviously didn’t hear the sun-god-day school lesson about Romans 13 (arguably, “as twisted”.)

Is there a difference after all between Power and Authority? And even Who’s we’re talking about?

“Shemot: ‘Power’ != [ is NOT Equal To! ] ‘Authority’ “

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayechi” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Students of torah have seen for years that there are (at least) two “types and shadows,” or harbingers of the Messiah, the first of which, Mashiach ben Yosef, aka ‘the Suffering Servant,’ and the final installment of the story of his life, is described in this parsha, Yayechi (Genesis 47:28 through the End of the Book.)

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha:

Since this parsha completes the Book of Genesis, it’s understandable that there would be a number of elements, like the ‘death bed actions’ of the patriarch Yakov, that set up so much that is to follow.

But in the Sabbath midrash, Mark suggests that Joseph’s reaction to his brothers’ request to ‘forgive them’ – AGAIN – is one that should strike us as particularly poignant today. After all, he already did. And so did He.

“Vayechi: Already forgiven? Or a ‘Double-dog Dare’ What’s it gonna take?”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vayigash” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at parsha Vayigash, Genesis 44:18 through 47:27, and the conclusion of the story of Yosef’s testing of his brothers, and what Mark refers to as Yehuda’s time to ‘Man Up.’

This week’s story is about what happens when the Plan Comes Together.

And the blessings that follow.

The Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha:

And not only does Yosef’s plan pay off, but even better than he expected. This Sabbath teaching explores the implications of that, and what can happen when we in such obedience that we ‘leave room’ for Yah to bless us beyond our own expectations.

It’s also almost certainly true that every single one of us, who will hear this podcast, have been put here, now, “in such a time as this,” for His purposes.

And, given the times and the seasons, that’s quite a statement.

There’s something else in the mix this week, too, in the haftorah portion, from Ezekiel chapter 37. It ends up being both a severe warning, and a great promise.

“Vayigash: Two kingdoms/houses/wives and sticks – and the Opportunity for Surprise”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Miketz” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at parsha Miketz, Genesis chapters 40:1 through 44:17, and the story of Yosef’s meeting with Pharoah concerning his dreams, and his elevation to a place where his own dreams so many years before will play out with his brothers.

The ‘Plan of Yah,’ continues to play out, and this week we see how SO much testing begins to bear fruit.

This is the “in-between” part of the story; the climax evidently comes next week. But – isn’t that true today for us? We’re ‘in-between’, waiting to see what’s next…

And first, the Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha:

This Sabbath teaching is another of those where Mark realizes it’s time to wax a bit ‘nerdy’. Is it just possible that literally ALL of what we see, learn, and are challenged with, is a form of “filtering”? Of US, that is.

Which, hopefully, helps to explain a LOT. Both then, and now.

“Miketz:  Filtering – and What That Means to His People”

The combined two-part podcast is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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