Torah Parsha “Vayakhel” from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

After the world-changing ‘incident’ with the ‘golden calf,’ Moses assembled (thus the title of the Torah portion, Vayakhel, “and he assembled” – Exodus 35:1-38:20) the children of Israel. And they began a process of building something together, and at least begin to repair the breach. It was a place for YHVH to dwell among them.

In the reading of the entire parsha, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship takes special note of just how often Scripture tells us about their hearts. It was the wise-hearted, and the willing-hearted, over and over, who brought their offerings and their “skillful worksmanship”.

Which is a stunning contrast with a world today, where we’ve “heard it said, on Sunday that “He dwells in our heart,” but He somehow “did away with” His own “Law.”

Funny, that’s what we see from the unelected black-robed priests of Satan who prattle about “democracy,” but don’t care what people voted for, or even what a Constitution says that they put their hand on a Bible and lied about. The Law of the Land is just as “done away with.” And “justice, justice you shall pursue,” may be Written in the BIble, but certainly not on their hearts.

There’s a vital message for us in that contrast. And it reflects a very old choice.

Vayakhel: The Wise-Hearted, the Willing Hearted, and ‘Judges’ who AREN’T

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Parsha “Ki Tisa” and ‘the Golden Calf’ from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This may be one of the most important – and certainly controversial – teachings that Mark Call, of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship has done. Because it hits at the very heart of what “Come out of her, My people,” is about.

Parsha “Ki Tisa” (Exodus chapters 30 through 34) includes on of the most infamous tragedies in the Bible – the story of the ‘Golden Calf,’ and Moses’ subsequent throwing down and destruction of the first set of tablets, engraved with the very ‘finger of YHVH.’ And that, too, is symbolic of what has been done by the mob that “assembled” or “gathered” against Aaron ever since!

What is less well-understood is that the entire context of that story reflects on what another “assembly” (or, even ‘ecclesia’ for those that have heard the Greek term) has done almost universally, over and over again, throughout history. And still continues.

Ki Tisa: What exactly is ABOLISHED – Which “Assembly?” and which Annointed One?

If you find this valuable, or even shocking – please share it. As the Bible makes clear, it really is a matter of life and death.

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Parsha “Tetzaveh [and Zachor]” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Tetzaveh” (Exodus 27:10 – 30:10) continues the description of elements associated with the still-to-be-built ‘tabernacle in the wilderness,’ this time beginning with the priestly garments for Aaron and his sons.

The Erev Shabbat Reading begins with “command” them to make oil for the menorah, and then continues through the sanctification of the ‘cohenim’:

The Sabbath Day midrash concerns a conjunction of events, both historic and current, and associated readings. And as seems to so often be the case, there’s more than just coincidence evidently at work now.

One of the obvious, and stated, purposes of the garments created “for splendor and for beauty,” to be worn by the cohenim (priests) was that they be “set apart” to serve YHVH. And the golden inscription on Aaron’s forehead said, “Holy to YHVH.” The fact that such a priesthood no longer exists only makes the contrast more clear.

But several events this week really brought that home.

By almost any Scriptural measure, what we now have instead looks like an “anti-priesthood,” set apart not to YHVH, but His “Adversary.”

And an honest reading of Scripture is “uncomfortably clear” on those implications.

Note: The midrash mentions a related look at the story of Esther, and the ‘Purim’ holiday, which was an element of Mark’s observations in the “Come out of her, My people” Show this week:

Tetzaveh: What is Amalek?

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Parsha “Terumah” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Terumah” (Exodus 25:1 – 27:19) is a major change of pace from the story of the plagues, and the Exodus from bondage in Egypt.

While Moses is evidently still up on the mountain, he is told by YHVH to take an ‘offering’ (terumah) from those with willing hearts. And then follows a description of specifically what, and what it is for.

The Erev Shabbat Reading:

The level of detail in the parsha this week, and even subsequently, is almost an enigma: It is almost overwhelming, and yet were it not for the fact that Moses is told that he is being shown a ‘pattern,’ or “blueprint,” it is pretty evident that what is being described could probably not be built.

And it must be done by the effort of the ‘skillful workman,’ besides. Later, we’re even told that those tasked with that work must even be guided by the very Ruach Elohim, or Spirit of YHVH.

Many of us, because this is the “Olde” Testament, after all, have probably heard that anything associated with the ‘tabernacle’ (or later temple) is superfluous now, and even “done away with.”

Or it’s just ‘spiritualized’ – perhaps even with a bit too much hand-waving.

So, even the level of detail included is just not enough, in the sense of being able to completely understand the design…

There’s something very telling about that.

Terumah: Why does the detail seem overwhelming?

The combined two-part reading and Sabbath day midrash is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Mishpatim” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Mishpatim” (Exodus chapters 21 through 24) is literally “judgments,” or “ordinances,” and begins with a number of them.

But what is most fascinating about them is that so many are now considered NOT ‘politically-correct,’ and that fact alone merits taking a special look at why.

The Erev Shabbat Reading:

Mark has long remarked about the fact that this parsha, Mishpatim, is SO very NOT PC. But this year, we need to take note of an important change. People seem to have just about “had it” with men pretending to dominate ‘womens’ sports’, and kids being taught utter perversion – and worse – in the public cesspools. And just about everything else that amounts to “calling evil good,” and vice-versa.

And the level of utter corruption and criminality in an illegitimate government that was NEVER supposed to be a ‘democracy’ in the first place has inclined more people to ask just how we could have been so deceived for so long.

Perhaps the answer is in one of the key verses – also too often ignored – in this parsha as well: “Do not follow after a multitude to do evil.” Could that include even a ‘majority vote’?

Mishpatim: DEMOLISH PC Idolatry – finally

Alternative link via Hebrew Nation Radio.

Posted in Appointed Times of YHVH, Come out of her...., Idolatry, Law, Marriage, Pesach, Shabbat, Slavery, Sukkot, torah, Yahushua HaMashiach | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Parsha “Mishpatim” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Yitro” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Yitro” (Exodus chapters 18 through 21) is named for the man who is Moses’ father-in-law, because he makes an appearance in the very first part of the story.

But the portion is most noted because it includes the first giving of the ‘Ten Debarim’ (actually ‘words,’ or even Ten Sayings) – most usually rendered in English as the Ten Commandments.

The Erev Shabbat Reading:

The description surrounding the fact that the mixed multitude of Israel, according to the literal Hebrew, actually “SAW” the thunderings, and the other aspects of the interaction were so overwhelming that they then told Moses, ‘YOU speak to us,’ from here on out, because they were afraid that if they heard directly from YHVH again, it would kill them, is a graphic indication that THIS interaction with the Creator of the Universe was different than anything that had ever happened before.

And it’s something that Mark Call has “waxed a bit nerdy” about before, suggesting that it was some type of “high bandwidth” download that probably seemed overwhelming to them.

And, superficially at least, but maybe even to a deeper extent given the level of incredible Evil now being exposed, we may be seeing a similar level of “information overload” today.

But the similarities don’t stop there.

Yitro: They heard – er, saw – but didn’t LISTEN!

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Parsha “B’shalach” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “B’shalach” (Exodus 13:17 – 17:16) begins with what might be the most famous miracle in the Bible, the “parting of the Red Sea” [more likely the ‘Sea of Reeds’] and the related destruction of Pharaoh, and all his army and chariots.

The very first verse of the parsha, as Mark Call notes in the reading, should perhaps “leap off the page” today as a warning: YHVH took the ‘mixed multitude’ via the Long Way Home to the Promised Land, rather than the shorter coastal route, “lest the people regret,” when they see war, and decide to return right back into bondage.

Could that ring true today?

The Erev Shabbat Reading:

The question has been asked. But there is something fundamental about human nature that is outlined here. Rather than being grateful for having been freed “by a Mighty Hand,” from bondage, and happy to be en route to a Promised Land, why instead do people whine, and want to go back into slavery?

In that context it is interesting that there is so much emphasis in this story on “testing” by YHVH. They see thirst in the wilderness. And have cause for concern when He gives them ‘bread from heaven’ – before it gets a name. The Sabbath is introduced. (Or – is it RE-introduced?) But Yah has good reason to ask, “How long will you refuse to keep My commandments and My Instruction?”

B’shalach: Grateful? Or Whining? The Testing Is Yet to Come

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Parsha “Bo” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Bo” (Exodus 10:1 – 13:16) describes the last three of the ‘Ten Plagues of Egypt.” And, in the process, lays out the understanding of the most important, the ‘death of the firstborn,’ and the first of His Appointed Times, Pesach; aka “the Passover.”

In the Erev Shabbat reading, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship, outlines the reason why these might better be thought of as the final two of the third set of three plagues, followed by the one which in fact is in a category by itself:

The Sabbath Day midrash might be considered part two in a sequence, and begins with an examination of thise patters – multiple patterns in fact – that make up those “three sets of three” setup plagues, and, in particular, what they might show us about a future set of events that he again suggests will unfold at some time in the future.

Certainly they were not only all judgments against various fake Egyptian ‘gods,’ but other patterns within the plagues, such as who and what they affected, and how, may give us a great picture of what the judgments against ‘modern gods’ might well look like. And what we should be prayerfully prepared for.

Also, Mark contends, the Bible story includes that set of ‘open brackets,’ or one half of a set of bookends, which we will eventually see closed by the prophesied second, or “Greater Exodus.”

And there are certainly “candidates” for those in play today. So, sometimes a bit of speculation is useful.

Bo: Patterns – the Next Set of Plagues”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Vaera” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The second Torah portion reading from the Book of Exodus this week is in some respects THE beginning of the Exodus itself, in that it describes the first set(s) of the ‘Ten Plagues of Egypt.” ‘Vaera’ (Exodus 6:4 through chapter 9), beings, however, with an explanation of His Name, YHVH. “And I appeared,” (‘vaera’) He says, to Abraham, and to Yitzak, and to Yakov, “as El Shaddai, but by My Name YHVH I did not,” at not in the way that He is about to, “make Myself known to them.

And that is the essence of what He is about to do!

The Erev Shabbat reading, as usual, covers the story itself, but also starts to lay out the incredible significance of just what that means:

The Sabbath Day midrash takes a deeper look at a number of key elements that are laid out in this parsha, from the emphasis on His Name YHVH, and that He would then SHOW what that means, so that all of us would know, to the patterns and projections associated with the plagues themselves.

They were not only all judgments against various fake Egyptian ‘gods,’ but also, Mark contends, a set of ‘open brackets,’ or one half of a set of bookends, which we will eventually see closed by the prophesied second, or “Greater Exodus.”

And there are certainly “candidates” for those in play today. Including that plan to develop what could well be a god of silicon, rather than “stone.”

Vaera: What’s it Gonna TAKE?”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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Parsha “Shemot” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The first Torah portion reading from the Book of Exodus this week is ‘Shemot’ (Exodus 1:1-6:2), which is of course the Hebrew name of the Book as well. And it begins the story of Moses (Moshe) and the Exodus from Egypt, and bondage, but actually begins even a bit earlier, and about two centuries after the story of Joseph in Genesis comes to an end.

The Erev Shabbat reading not only introduces us to Moses, but actually covers about two-thirds of the span of his life in just a few chapters. Perhaps it’s encouraging to consider that the most important part of his life’s work didn’t even begin until about his ninth decade:

How did a people who were literally the “Sons of Israel,” and direct descendants of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, manage to descend from direct promises and blessings from the Creator Himself, to “cruel bondage” in just over two centuries?

And for that matter, how do a people who understood “self-evident Truths” about that same Creator manage to descend to what may be even greater tyranny and bondage to an entirely different ‘god’ in almost that same times span?

There is more here than you might think. Especially when you consider where we are on that timeline.

Shemot: What HAPPENED to the ‘Sons of Israel’? And how did they manage to go from such blessing to “cruel bondage?”

The combined two-part teaching is here, via Hebrew Nation Radio.

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