After the world-changing ‘incident’ with the ‘golden calf,’ Moses assembled (thus the title of the Torah portion, Vayakhel, “and he assembled” – Exodus 35:1-38:20) the children of Israel. And they began a process of building something together, and at least begin to repair the breach. It was a place for YHVH to dwell among them.
In the reading of the entire parsha, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship takes special note of just how often Scripture tells us about their hearts. It was the wise-hearted, and the willing-hearted, over and over, who brought their offerings and their “skillful worksmanship”.
Which is a stunning contrast with a world today, where we’ve “heard it said, on Sunday that “He dwells in our heart,” but He somehow “did away with” His own “Law.”
Funny, that’s what we see from the unelected black-robed priests of Satan who prattle about “democracy,” but don’t care what people voted for, or even what a Constitution says that they put their hand on a Bible and lied about. The Law of the Land is just as “done away with.” And “justice, justice you shall pursue,” may be Written in the BIble, but certainly not on their hearts.
There’s a vital message for us in that contrast. And it reflects a very old choice.
Vayakhel: The Wise-Hearted, the Willing Hearted, and ‘Judges’ who AREN’T